Less than Dark

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Normally accomplishing such a dangerous mission would result in even the slightest gleam of relief and hopefulness, the mood in the Keep was anything but. Fear hung above the team as they entered the bunker, their adrenaline finally subsiding. Most of them were coming to terms with how close to death they just were, especially with a plan they came up with on mission. Victor was focused on what had happened to him. Aside from the prolonged looks from his rescuers, he strangely hadn't been the cause of the fearful state in which they all sat quietly. Though the others were clearly startled and drawn to his alien appearance, Victor knew something else was bothering them more. He somehow knew just from the size and movement of their retinas, despite not meaning to examine them or even knowing the signs to look for. The knowledge came to him in a odd forced way, only it was known to him as if he had studied it for years. Similar to that of a memory from which he couldn't trace the origin, knowing it to be foriegn but also feeling the sense of himself within it. This sensation had been conflicting him since he was pulled from his dark slumber in that garage. Two forces within him, alien and natural both intertwining with every thought and movement, making it impossible to determine if he was in control of himself or simply a passenger. Victor glanced to his robotic hand and thought back to how it had transformed twice into weapons, each time not by his command but still somehow feeling as natural as breathing. Even now a simple examination of his hand brought with it information that he had no way of knowing. He knew minute elements of what his hand had touched, the cleaning material used on the floor of the van he escaped in, the faint strain of a human DNA left behind from blood, even the type of shaving cream the questionable ARGUS operative used. All these bits of information flooded Victor's mind, all of unknown origin but all trusted and known from within. He balled his robotic fist and closed his eyes, hoping the darkness would grant him some peace from this strange unknown invader inside his mind and body. Unfortunately the sudden darkness and stress triggered some type of defensive view of the world around him. Sounds were amplified and created a since of sonor vision in the darkness. The footsteps around him locked onto the other men in the room, as unique scents also singled out the men. Victor snapped his eyes open, unable to free himself of this unknown entity within him.

"Hey. You alright?" Diggle asked, knowing there was no easy answer. Victor recoiled slightly, having no idea where to begin.

"I don't know." He managed to mutter. Diggle understood the situation must have been unbelievable for Victor. Riley cautiously spoke now, trying his best not to trigger any defensive response from their new guest.

"Not to be rude, but we're running out of time. What do you remember after HIVE took you?" Victor angled his remaining brow at the question.

"HIVE?" He asked, looking between his rescuers.

"The people who took you." Riley quickly explained. "They needed you for something involving the Garden Project, do you remember anything?" Victor looked off the the side and tried to pull any useful memory to his mind, only to have his unknown new senses stack loads of information in it's place.

"Last thing I remember was getting into a SUV after Felicity asked me to come with her." Victor answered. Oliver uncontrollably twitched at the mention of her name, his rage stirring within. Victor glanced around the room and asked.

"Where is Felicity?" Diggle turned away for a moment as Riley answered.

"She's in the hospital. The same people that took you hurt her." Victor looked through the group to Oliver with an apologetic glance. He unknowingly examined the Green Arrow's reaction to the comments, taking note of his eye movement and heart rate. The same foreign thoughts quickly brought a conclusion to Victor, revealing who the Green Arrow truly was. His view of the lone man changed in his own vision, almost as if a filter was placed over him. Oliver's facial features became instantly clear to Victor as his new cybernetic eye gave him some type of x-ray view for the moment.

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