Chapter Two

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"Kira?" Evgeni's voice came muffled through my door. He knocked gentley. "Don't you work today?" I opened my eyes, the clock was the first thing I saw.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, leaping out of bed and stubbing my toe. "Ow! Ow!" I grabbed my foot, toppling over and falling to the ground. Geno opened the door.

"I bring coffee..."  He trailed off, looking at me on the ground.

"It's my third day. I can't be late," I moaned.

"Wednesdays are worst," Evgeni agreed. I sat up, taking the coffee from him. Ten minutes later, my hair was pulled back, my clothes thrown on and I was rushing out the door. I made it to work with three minutes to spare. Rochel stood in her cubicle, across from me.

"Cutting it a little close, don't you think?" She clucked.

"Oh, God. I'm having the worst morning. The weirdest part? Geno hates Wednesdays as much as me." I bit into a granola bar, sitting down in my chair. Rochel shrugged.

"So what? The rest of us hate Mondays, that doesn't make the news. Ever." I couldn't help but smile at Rochel. She was probably making fun of me, but I found her humour... humourous, to say the least.

By the time my work day was over, I was exhausted-- more emotionally than physically. I felt like everything that could have, did go wrong today. Rochel told me I was working too fast, putting up high expectations but then my boss told me I was working too slowly. The book I was working on was immensely challenging and I found myself taking advils two at a time.  I missed the first bus home and it was raining. I was in a foul mood when I dragged my feet up Evgeni's driveway. When I opened the door, I saw his shoes weren't around, nor his coat.

"Hello?!" I called. There was no response. I dropped my purse, kicked off my shoes and  started taking my wet clothes off on the way to my room. Once inside, I dropped them in the hamper, pulled on a housecoat and grabbed my favourite Тату CD. I poured myself a very hot bath. I turned the music on loud enough that I couldn't hear anything else. I climbed into the bath and sighed. This was exactly what I needed. With a hot bath and Тату I could get through way worse. I closed my eyes and put my head back. Nothing could be better.

"KIRA!" Evgeni yelled, banging on the door. My eyes snapped open and I jumped. Water splashed onto the wall and floor. Тату was still playing but the water was cold. I was freezing. I jumped up, hitting the CD player. The music stopped and Evgeni also stopped. I pulled my housecoat around me and opened the door. I was shivering.

"I fell asleep," I mumbled.

"In the bath?" I nodded. "What if you drowned? Kira!"

"I know," I said. Geno pulled me into him, hugging me and rubbing some warmth into my back.

"Let's get you a hot chocolate," Geno suggested, releasing me. I went to my room, pulling on a pair of my dad's sweatpants and a large sweater of my own. Downstairs, Geno sat me on the couch, threw a blanket over me and put a massive, steaming mug of hot chocolate in my hands.

"Your lips are still blue." He pointed out. I looked down. I felt humiliated. What kind of idiot falls asleep in the bath? I took a sip of the too hot drink and burned my entire mouth and throat.

"Ow," I whispered.

"Aw, Kira. Don't look so sad." Geno said, sitting down beside me. "Everything is okay now." I put the blanket on top of him so it covered both of us and I cuddled into his chest.

"I'm sorry," I said and he rested his cheek against my head. We watched an old Russian movie that everyone has seen at least twice. I had probably seen it ten times. I fell asleep before the movie was over. When I woke up, I was halfway up the stairs. Evgeni was carrying me up to my room. I pretended to still be asleep, but secretly loved the feel of his arms around me, his strong chest and safety. I felt like someone was looking after me for the first time since my parents died. When Geno put me down, he pulled the blankets over me and tucked them in tight. It was a long time later that I heard my door shut.

In the morning I made omlettes, mine with two eggs, Evgeni's with seven. He ate more than I had ever seen anyone eat.

"Tomorrow night there is an away game. Well, three in a row. I won't be back for a week."

"What?" My mouth fell open. "A week?"

"Yes. I just thought I would let you know." After a long pause, he continued, "Will you be okay?"

"Geno! Of course. I lived on my own for the past eight years. I don't need  you here to survive." I laughed. I tried to play it off. Secretly, I didn't want him to go.

"No baths 'till I get home," he made me promise. This time, I really did laugh.

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