Chapter Eight

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For New Years, Taylor and Ben were throwing a party. It took me three hours to finally decide what to wear. I had a white backless dress that ended just above my knee. I wore pink shoes and gold jewellery. Geno wore a white dress shirt and pants. It was not a big deal to him, but I put in serious effort. When I was finally ready, I came downstairs. Geno was watching TV. He came into the entrance, looked me over and grinned. He came right over, putting his hands on my waist and kissing me neck.

"Geno, we're going to be late!" I giggled and I felt him moan against my neck.

"Why you do this to me?"

"You do it to yourself," I said, dragging him outside while pulling my coat on. There was a light snow falling and I ran to the car. We brought a bottle of red wine as a gift, Taylor told me once that she only drank red. When we got there, the party was in full swing. The whole team was there, some of Taylor and Ben's family, other friends and people I was sure Taylor had never even met. She kissed both of my cheeks when I came in. She was clearly already drunk. She put a beer into Geno's hand, and a glass of wine into mine. She then passed us a shot of goldshlagger.

"Happy New Year!" She cried out.

"I guess we're getting drunk tonight," Geno shrugged and took the shot. Eventually we were seperated, Evgeni chatting with the team, and I was circulating with Taylor, or hanging out with Erica. I met several new people, but forgot their names almost immediately. That night, I just couldn't care less. By midnight, I was plastered drunk. I kept shushing people who tried to talk to me, and I was a dancing machine. When I felt a pair of hands come up from behind me and slid around my waist, I slapped them and screamed. The people closest to me turned to look and I punched behind me. I turned to look, and saw Evgeni laughing his head off. I laughed too.

"It's okay! It's just my boyfriend," I shouted to anyone paying attention. He kissed me and I pressed my body into his. When the countdown came, we were too busy making out to bother counting. Everyone began kissing around us and I released Geno. I began to walk away, pulling him with me. I ran to the upstairs bathroom that I usually used when I was at Taylor's. I kicked the door shut behind Geno, pushing him to sit on the edge of the tub. I stradled him.

"I know exactly how I want to start the new year," I said.

When I woke up the next day, I was in Taylor's guest room. Evgeni was asleep on the floor. I looked at him, looked at the bed and laughed. I crept out of the room, careful not to wake him. I didn't remember the end of the night and I felt thoroughly embarrassed. In the kitchen, Taylor gave me the biggest mug of coffee I had ever seen.

"Did you have a good time?" she asked, grinning. I laughed.

"I don't remember after midnight!" I exclaimed. That was a lie, I could remember having sex in her bathroom but didn't want to admit it.

"You came from upstairs and took three shots in a row. That's probably why." Taylor also laughed. I plunked my head onto the table.

"Why is Evgeni on the floor?" I asked next.

"Ben told him that banging in our house once was more than enough."

"Oh my God, how did you know?" I asked, feeling my face redden.

"Geno couldn't help but brag. Alcohol does that to him. His English is much better when he's drunk, surprisingly." Taylor laughed again and scratched my head. Shivers ran up and down my spine as I felt my headache subside a little. Taylor gave me some sweatpants and a long sleeve to wear home and when Geno woke up we left. She had paid someone to come in and clean up. After a party like that, it was neccessary.

"Best party of the year!" I told her on my way out. At home, I had a long shower before climbing back into bed. Evgeni and I spent the day watching movies, and then ordered chinese food for dinner. It was the best hangover cure.

For a week, there was stories about that night passed around. People were made fun of,  jokes were repeated and everyone wanted another night like it.

"Slashing!" I shouted, pounding on the glass. I sat behind the bench with Taylor, watching the Pittsburgh-Washington game. Evgeni was constantly hacked and I couldn't believe the refs.

"This is total bull," I said to Taylor, sitting back into my seat. During intermission, I received a text from Rochel reading They showed you on the screen. Had a sequence of you banging on the glass and yelling. Called you "Malkin's Passionate Girlfriend." --Hopes she applies that passion everywhere. I showed Taylor the text and we couldn't help but laugh. Rochel texted again; this is why I wont go to games with you. Effing psycho. When we got home, I watched the video. They did rip up the refs after making fun of me and showed a sequence of Geno getting slashed, illegal hits and hooking. I showed Geno the video.

"Why you get so mad over that?" He asked, pointing to my face in one of the clips.

"Because, it's stupid. Penalties can decide who wins and loses the game!"

"Being mad change nothing. Ref do what ref want. Be mad make you look dumb on TV."

"I don't look dumb! I look like I care!"

"Okay, yes. Still, mad is waste energy. If you need extra energy burn, I know much more better use." I laughed.

"That made no sense. You're lucky I know you well enough to understand."

"What? How you say then?"

"If you have extra energy to burn, I know a better way." Geno made a face.

"I hate English," He muttered and walked away. I crossed my eyes at his back and went back to work.

 Author: SORRRRRY this one is super short, I know. It just felt like the right place to end it. I will post the next chapter quick so you don't have to wait!

As usual, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. In all honesty, I would LOVE some criticism. I need to know how to make this better for it to be better!

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