Chapter Three

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Thursday came and went. I expected to feel Geno's absense around the house more than I did. True, I didn't trip over his shoes anymore and whole pizzas didn't go missing but somehow it was like he was still here. I found myself looking for him in his room, or the basement or the kitchen. Wherever I wasn't, I felt like he was. Friday, I invited Rochel over after work. We ordered chinese food and watched a marathon of her favourite show. It was about three women all in love with the same guy, but still best friends. He was just kind of passed between them.

"What's he like?" Rochel asked.


"Malkin. My ex was obsessed with the Penguins. He would die if he knew I was in his house right now." Rochel drinned wickedly.

"I don't know. He's just normal. Same as anyone, I suppose." I shrugged. I didn't know what she was looking for.

"Come on, Kira. I know you know more than that." Rochel prodded.

"He... eats a lot. Like, seriously, a lot. His English sucks. He hates gorey movies. He is... kind and protective. I think he worries more than he lets on."

"I wish I lived with someone famous," Rochel sighed.

"He's not that famous. Beside, I knew him before he was famous so I don't even think about it."

"Besides Kira, not beside. Jesus, and you're translating books?" Rochel laughed at me.

"It's easier in writing! I would like to see you speak Russian." I crossed my arms defensivley and she laughed again.

"Can I see his room?"

"Oh my God, you're such a creep." I laughed. We ended up laughing most the night away.When Rochel went home, it was already 1:30 am. I almost never stayed up that late. My eyes felt heavy and tired. I plodded up the stairs, and found myself leaning in Evgeni's door frame. His room was ridiculously tidy. I didn't notice a single thing out of place. I sighed and went back to my own room.

Saturday came and went. Without work to go to, the day passed slowly. I didn't know anyone in town except Rochel and we had hung out the night before. I didn't want to call her already. She was such a gossip afterall. I'm sure she would tell everyone I had no friends. Sunday I ended up cleaning the house from top to bottom. When Monday came around I was thrilled to go to work. After falling asleep on the coch that night, I awoke in the morning still there with a sore neck. There was no one around to carry me up the stairs. I sighed and rushed off to work, imagining Evgeni's arms around me for the whole bus ride. That Tuesday night, a bunch of people from the office went out and invited me along. They all joked about our boss, Edmund. They laughed about the security gaurd in the building. Everyone and everything was a joke to them. I eventually gapped out of the conversation. I tired of the mean conversation. On the far wall of the bar the Pittsburgh game was on. I ended up watching that. No one noticed my absence from the conversation until--

"Score!" I yelled, half standing with my arms above my head. Geno had sniped a beauty wrap around. The chatter at my table stopped and they all looked at me.

"It was Evgeni..." I pointed at the TV. The guys sitting near the TV, actually watching, cheered me on. I blushed and sat down.

"I think she's in love," Rochel said. "She wouldn't even let me see his room."

"I think you're a stalker," I said and the whole table laughed. I breathed a silent sigh of relief. I had briefly feared them telling me to go home.

When I got home from work the next day, I opened the door and tripped over Geno's massive shoes.

"Evgeni? You're home!" I ran into the kitchen, saw him and hugged him, "Don't leave me again." He laughed.

"It can't have been that bad. I was only gone a week."

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