Chapter Six

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That night, the relief and pleasure was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Afterwards, I was too exhausted to even move an inch. Breathing was a chore but it was entirely worth it.

"If you ever do that to me again, I'll die," I whispered as Geno settled under the blankets, "But then again, if you never do that again, I'll die." He laughed softly, playing with my hair.

"Kira," his voice was almost inaudible, "Don't ever stop being with me. I couldn't take it."

"Oh, Geno, don't worry..."

"No, what I'm trying to say is... I love you."

"What?" My heart skipped two beats.

"I love you." He said. I used my last ounce of energy to roll over, kiss him and say, "Don't ever stop loving me. I couldn't take it. I love you too." His smile almost cracked his face in half, and he kissed me with as much passion as a child with cake.

In the morning, I slipped out of the bed silently and tip toed to my room. I dressed quickly and brought Ponchik out for a walk. I was worried he would have pee-ed in the house but he seemed to be a little trained already. Karen could have been a great dog breeder. At work, my day flew by. I went to the game that night and for the first time I met Erica.

"I've heard so much about you," she said, "All good things." Erica had a beautiful smile and I couldn't help but return a grin.

"You too." I didn't like Erica as much as I liked Taylor, but she was still great company. She had an idea that the before thanksgiving, we'd hold a fundraiser for Christmas. She had already talked to the guys about it. She asked me if I would participate and I agreed.

Within two weeks, all the tickets were sold out. Before the game there was an informal press conference. Everyone that was going to play was there and different radio and TV stations. Before any questions began, we picked teams. Fluery and Johnson were obviously on opposite teams and they took turns picking duos, schoolyard style. Fluery picked Evgeni and I. After the teams were picked, the press were given a chance to wander around and ask us questions. Geno stood with his arm around me.

"I don't want to talk to anyone. I hate interviews, I always look so stupid," he admitted to me.

"Nobody thinks you're stupid!" I tried to reasuure him. Eventually, of course, we were interviewed.

"Geno, how do you feel about the cause?" the woman asked.

"Obvious the cause sad. I like be able to help family who get no Christmas." He gave her a half smile.

"How important is Christmas to you?"

"It's good. I go home, see family... this year give to... Kira, how do you say community?" Evgeni squeezed my shoulder.

"Community," I stated softly.

"This year, give to community make Christmas more better even." He smiled, I could tell he felt better having me here to help him.

"Kira, you knew Malkin back home right?" She turned to me.

"Yes, actually Evgeni and I grew up spending Christmases together. The past few years I haven't been able to make it to the Malkin Christmas festivities. It will be wonderful to spend this year together."

"Did you have special Christmas traditions?" I laughed at the question. Evgeni answered for me, "Kira always cry on her tradition."

"Cry?" the interviewer looked to me.

"I only cried because Evgeni would make me! Denis and Geno would always ignore me, too busy playing hockey all day, of course. I would have to play by myself, usually making snowmen or something. Evgeni would destroy them!"

"Had to practise hit, not just stick handle." Geno gave me the same grin that he would when we were kids. The interviewer thanked us and Geno kissed the top of my head. I was beginning to feel in the Christmas spirit, even though it was only November.

Time began to pass faster. Travelling with the team actually made my productivity at work go up. Before, I only worked while I was at work and Rochel and I spent a lot of time goofing off. When travelling with the team, I devoted a lot more time to the books. Christmas came a lot faster than I thought it would. Soon I was on the way to pick up the Malkin's from the airport.

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