Watch you're step

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Daniela P.O.V

   Today was a very exciting day for me!.  My cousin was coming to visit, we are practically sisters. My moms sister is her mother and my dads brother is her father. Kinda wish that my dad could have been like hers and stick around. I hear the door bell ring and i run down stairs to open it. But Gloria beat me to it, she has been taking care of both of us ever since I could remember. "Jessica!" I yelled and ran to hug her, "Daniela!" Jessica yelled right before we both gave each other a big hug. "We missed you here Jessica" Gloria said and joined the the hug.

Jessica P.O.V

I missed Daniela so much, i miss talking to her everyday, going to the movies, sleepovers, and just having her around in general. We are both the only child and growing up all we had was each other. "Wow you're house is huge" i said to Daniela while looking around. "You need to see the back yard it's amazing" daniela said while leading the way to the back yard.

Taylor P.O.V

Shawn invited me to go to Daniel's house with him. Her cousin came to visit from L.A and she wants us to meet her.

Shawn P.O.V

We made it to my girlfriend house and knocked on the door. When she opened the door her cousin was right behind her. "Hey baby" daniela said and gave me a hug and a kiss." This is my cousin Jessica, Jessica this is my boyfriend Shawn and this is his best friend Taylor" Daniela said and we all said hi to each other. I looked back at taylor and he had this expression on his face like if he had just seen a huge celebrity and was starstruck.

Daniela P.O.V

After i introduced everyone to each other , the boys wen't out to get ice cream and a bunch of snacks since we decided to have a sleepover. Jessica took the opportunity that the boys were not here to talk about them. "You're boyfriend is cute you're doing good with you're life" "but you know who's also really cute, his best friend Taylor like omg does he have a girlfriend" Jessica said hoping that I'll say no. "Actually he is very single and you are very single so you want me to put you on to him" i said and she blushed. "Ok fine just don't make it obvious that i like him" Jessica said and we both laughed.

Jessica P.O.V

The boys were back and i was so nervous around Taylor, every time that we would make eye contact I would burst out laughing. If he can't tell that i like him by now this kid has no brain. We were all walking up the stairs to Daniela's room with all the snacks that we got. Taylor was right behind me as we were going up the stairs. I tried to sexy walk so he could look at my ass. When i swung my hips side to side, i missed a step on the stairs and fell on my face right in front
of him. After this embarrassment i am ready to catch a flight and go home.

Note: I haven't updated in a really long time and am trying to work on that sorry everyone for the wait

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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