Drunk bunny

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Nick POV:

Tonight some of the ZPD officers, myself, and Judy were on our way to go to a bar for some good old drinks. I especially, since Bogo has been quite a pain for the last 2 weeks. He's been on my tail about this robbery case. So going to the bar was a big positive in my situation.

Once we entered the dimmed bar, we found a booth where we could all be seated. The booth was pretty big so
We were all scattered among the seats except for me and Judes. We always sit next to each other since it kind of became our thing when I first became her crime fighting partner. She is also my only best friend so of course I'd feel comfortable sitting near her. Me and her chatted for a little bit until I realized we should start getting drinks.

"Hey Carrots, wanna go order something now?" I asked.

Judy answered."Oh right! Sure Nick."

Both of us left the booth and headed towards the bartender. Taking a seat, I told the meerkat wiping a glass for a shot of fireball. Carrots, of course, asked for an Agent Orange cocktail.

"Of course a you of all mammals would want a carrot concoction," I spoke smugly with a smirk on my face.

"Psshh, whatever Wilde! Carrots are wonderful, don't judge," she responded matter a factly.

"Of course cottontail, you do you," I responded putting my hands up in defense.

I got my fireball shot and I immediately downed it with one swig. As I asked for another one Judy had gotten her drink as well. I saw her sip it petitely. Looking at this, a mischievous challenge arised into my mind.

"Awwww, wittle Carrots needs to take little sips at a time. I bet you can't even take half of a shot," I told her with a cutesy voice, oozing with sarcasm.

"Nick are you challenging me?" Judy questioned. She was interested now.

I responded with quick wit," Am I? Yes, yes I am." I could feel a sly smile creep onto my face. This happened a lot when I did stuff like this to Judes.

Judy glared at me. she was obviously up to the task.

"Bartender, a shot of tequila please!"

The bartender immediately poured it in a shot glass and put it on the table. She grabbed it firmly and downed it. Though she was able to, her face looked as if she sucked a lemon. But she continued ordering shots. She was on her 10th one and that's when she stopped. I could tell that she was now very drunk. I snickered at her hiccups.

"Heh heh...Nick," she hiccupped before continuing." Still think I can't take half of a s-shot?"

"Nah, you definitely proved yourself, But now you're just terribly drunk," I replied chuckling.

Judy slurred her word out,"Am not!"

"Sure you aren't," I said sarcastically.

Just then, a song came on and Judy got overly-excited.

"Come on *hic* Nick! Thiss song is-is a reaalll good...good one!" She told me, pulling at my arm. I don't think she realized that she wasn't moving me though.

Since seeing a drunk Judy was entertaining, I decided to let her drag me to the dancefloor. The way she danced was hard for me not to laugh out loud. She looked SO goofy. After dancing the night though, I knew that it would be best for me to bring her back to her apartment.

I slow song came up, and so I took the opportunity to tell her. " Hey cottontail, we should probably get going now."

"Huuhh? What? Nooo noo... Come on Nicky..." Judy responded, stumbling slightly.

Nicky? That's the first... I thought to myself. "No Judes, we're gonna leave now."

"Really? Ppfffttt.... Ugh, fine DAD." She replied with a chuckle at the end.

I drove us to her apartment. While we were walking to the elevator, she immediately screamed out that she didn't want to use it. She explained that it was...scary. So since I didn't want to freak her out while in her drunken state, we used the stairs. While walking up she had an arm wrapped around my shoulder for support. She was also humming some unfamiliar tune and was chuckling to herself ever so often. Even though she is a very amusing drunk, I was very tired and wanted to go home. I unlocked the door to her room with the spare key she gave to me in case of an emergency. I walked her over to her bed while she giggled slightly. I gently laid her in her bed. While I sluggishly tucked her in, she stopped me.

"Niiiicckkkyyy, I'm not sleeepyyy..." She groaned out.

Nicky again? I questioned to myself. I ignored her though and continued tucking her in. But then out of nowhere, she got up from her bed and pinned me to the ground! I was very surprised how quickly she did it. I tried to get up but her body kept me from prevailing. I was starting to feel a little worried for myself now. My eyes were wide with fear while hers were half-lidded and calm. Her eyes almost had a foggy look to them due to how booze-filled she was. What the heck was this bunny doing?

Her nose was almost about to touch mine. She was breathing in deeply, not saying anything. This sudden intimacy caught me off guard and now I could feel my face flushing very hard. I knew I had to take action or else this would lead into something we both would regret.

"Uhhmmm... Carrots, what are you doing?" I mumbled out, trying not to fumble while speaking.

She just ignored my question and she began running her paws through the fur on my neck slowly. She grinned dreamily as she petted me. I was now choked up, I felt like a statue as she was softly touching my fur. I was trying my hardest to stop her but my arms felt like jello.

She spoke softly," Wow Nick... Your fur is so soft."

She continued rubbing my fur, feeling every single hair brought goosebumps onto my body. I shuttered from how wonderful this feeling felt. This isn't like me at all.

I felt like I could faint right now. Judy has never acted so touchy-feely before. She then stopped, and I was hoping that she would get off of me now. Instead she began to have a fit like a child.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

".....Undress me."

Okay this is where I draw the line. Did this bunny just ask me to take her clothes off!?

I was completely shocked and embarrassed now." What!? Why are you saying this??

She pouted now, airing out her loose flannel and replied," It's hot in here... Undress meee..."

She took a hold of my wrists and put them on her shoulders. She was now leaning dangerously close to me. I have always been "in control" of my life before, but here I am now. I felt like the moment our space would be closed was the moment my heart would beat out of my chest. This is all my fault! Why did you have to tease her you dumb fox?! I yelled in my thoughts. I closed my eyes tightly, awaiting the inevitable.

...But the inevitable never came.

Huh...w-what? I thought to myself. I opened my eyes slowly. I looked at Judy and saw that she was snoring softly in the crook of my neck. I've never felt so relieved since the Bellwether incident. I chuckled in disbelief. I got her off of me and brought her back to bed. Man do I have a story to tell her when she wakes up. Before leaving I turned on her air conditioner. I could really use a cold shower right now.

My Fur Is Red So Cute Bunnies Can't See Me Blush (Wildehopps)Where stories live. Discover now