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Nick POV:

It was 8:00 pm and that was the time to start heading off to the drive-in theater. Thankfully once I got home, I took a nice, long shower and hit the sack almost immediately after. But I wouldn't have woken up on time to go if my phone didn't ring so loudly. Carrots called me at 7:40 to make sure I was getting ready, which was a good thing she did. Then I hustled to prepare myself, ending up wearing a tan jacket with dark green slacks. Finally I drove to Sahara Square, the place where the Skyline drive-in theater is. Once I arrived I obtained my ticket, and looked around for Carrot's car. Thankfully it didn't take too long and I found it, carefully parking my car next to her light blue bug. While parking, I noticed she wasn't inside her car. Instead of texting to ask where she was first, I decided to wait a few moments before doing so. I exited my car to peruse the landscape before me. Though the desert life is for selected types, it's always enjoyable when it was night time in the area. The cool breeze along with the few slightly swaying palm trees around the drive-in gave it a peaceful feeling. I took a deep breath in, admiring the calming atmosphere I was in. Satisfied with looking at the surroundings, I whipped my phone out to text Judes to see where she was.

'Fluff, ur here right? Where r u?'

Almost immediately I got a text back.

'I'm in a little building near the drive-in. It's cause they have popcorn and stuff.'

'Ooohh alright, see u there.'

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked over to the destination. I came inside, letting my eyes wander until I finally spotted Judy. She was in front of the line handing money to the cash register. Upon further inspection, she was sporting a jean jacket with a simple, white lace dress. I didn't usually see her in dresses so it caught me a bit off guard. She looked... Nice. My mind flashed with the thought of this being a date, but I quickly shut it down. This is just a friendly outing, I reminded myself. I returned to reality and shook away any weird thoughts I was having in my head to keep calm. Taking a breath, I paced over to Judy.

"Hey Carrots," I said when I was a few steps behind her.

She turned around to look at me, her usual perky attitude was evident by her voice. "There you are! wassup?"

With half lidded eyes I responded, "Nothing really. Just happy to see you."

Her eyes gleamed and gave a lopsided grin. "Me too, Nick."

There it was, that unusual feeling of fondness that rose inside of me when casual conversations like these happened between us. It used to be just that to me, casual talk. But recently I noticed that I was becoming weirdly sentimental about it. I realized what was going through my mind, and not wanting to think about it anymore I distracted myself with my phone, swiping through it mindlessly. Thankfully before she could say anything about my sudden action, her attention was taken a hold of by the cash register carrying the popcorn and large drink. She thanked him and we made our way back to our cars with the obtained items. Once we arrived, we made the choice of watching the movie inside my car, since mine was a bit bigger, which meant more leg space.

While I was adjusting the settings to the radio, Judy already began munching down on the popcorn. Noticing this, I opened my muzzle motioning her to throw some inside. She rolled her eyes and smirked before tossing a few into my mouth. I chomped happily on them as I continued turning the dials. Finally the radio was at the right setting, playing the audio of the current advertisements that were being shown on the big screen outside. I relaxed into the chair of the car, enjoying the air conditioning that gently blew into my face.

After watching a few more commercials in silence, the movie finally began. I broke the silence by speaking out. "Man, I'm glad that we're watching a proper movie for movie night." I put emphasis on the word proper to give my statement more meaning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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