Make Up

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Nick POV:

I woke up in a grumble, my eyes adjusting to the light shining through the window. Terribly sleepy still, I shifted from the fetal sleeping position I was in, trying to get comfortable. But just as I was doing that, I stumbled off from the couch that I was slumbering on. My head knocked hard against the wooden floor, which really made me grumpy and sore. Which reminded me... Why was I on a couch? Right... You got drunk at Judy's place, probably said some weird stuff, and then peaced out. Unlike Carrots, I was better at remembering things when it came to passing out. The only problem is that I can never remember the last few moments before I black-out.

It took some time for me to get off the ground, I stumbled slightly when I got to my feet. Currently, I was very disoriented. I smacked my lips together, tasting last night's alcohol. I shook my head, trying to get my mind to wake up. I staggered to Judy's kitchen, bumping into a chair or two getting there. The noise the chairs produced when I accidently thudded into them made me flinch. Finally I made it to her refrigerator, rummaging to see if she had anything good to cure me of my hangover. Just as I was doing that though, a disheveled bunny in the clothes she was in yesterday came out of her room, wiping her tired eyes to take a better look at me.

"Nick, you alright? I heard something so I came out here to check." Judy asked with a yawn.

"Yeah I'm fine," I grumbled, still searching. "I just need some water and a banana or something..."

Finally finding a water bottle at the back of the fridge, I reached for it and hastily opened it to take a drink.

"Aahhh that hits the spot." I stated with satisfaction, the water tasted amazing right now.

Judy shook her head, crossing her arms. "So do you uh, remember last night?"

I grabbed a banana from her counter and started peeling it while responding, "For the most part, yes."

"What exactly do you remember?" Judy said walking towards me slowly, eyeing me curiously.

I scratched the back of my head and began. "Well, all I can recall was that you took my drink, I was watching the movie and I was talking to you most of the time."

"That's all? You really can't think of anything else?" Judy questioned.

I thought hard, trying to find any kind of memory, but my mind was just too foggy. "Nope. That's all I can think of at the moment."

Judy nodded at my statement, she sighed out. She sounded almost relieved for some reason. I decided not to worry about that now though, I just really wanted to get rid of my throbbing headache. It was silent for some time, Judy just picked up trash from yesterday while I continued guzzling down the water. After finishing the banana, my head wasn't aching as bad now, still throbbing, but less of it.

"So uh," I began. "What were the full details of last night?"

Judy stopped cleaning for a second, but then started again. "You just acted like a dumb fox as usual."

"Haha," I added sarcastically.

"Also, did you know that you're 10× more flirty when you're drunk?" Judy asked while turning around, putting a paw on her hip.

I was caught off guard when she told me this, I had no idea I got like that. But that wasn't going to stop me from saying, "Well then, I bet it was hard to resist all this," I gestured to myself with a smirk.

Judy rolled her eyes. "Har har."

I chuckled at her fake laugh. "In all seriousness, that's good to know."

"Wait, you really didn't have any idea?" She questioned with a stupefied expression.

After saying that, a sudden idea popped into my mind and I just had to tease her. "Well, I usually just got drunk with Finnick, but maybe I was flirty because I was with a cute bunny instead."

Judy's eyes widened and I could tell that she was quite abashed by my comment. The rabbit pivoted swiftly, turning her back on me. She began to pick up from the ground again, making sure to not meet my eye. "Pffttt, y-yeah right, Nick. You probably flirted with Finnick too."

I cracked up hard at that comeback. I could see Judy giggling too. Our laughing storm died down though, and Judy just smiled big at me. I love when I see her gleaming like that.

"Well then, I should make breakfast," Judy finally announced, breaking the the silent gaze we had for a moment. I just nodded in agreement, watching Judy make her way to the kitchen. She started preparing by taking necessary items from the fridge. She got veggies for her, and crickets for me. I came here often so that was why she had different types of bugs in her refrigerator. It's weird how close we are when I think about it. I was taken away from my thoughts when she got a pan out and placed it on the stove, cranking the fire on.

"So Nick, I was thinking that we should watch another movie that we both would enjoy, since I know that you didn't like the last one we watched," She explained, still focused on getting breakfast ready.

I considered it, thinking what movies we could possibly watch. Interested in her plan, I asked, "Okay bunny, what do you have in mind?"

"Well, they're showing a screening of The Breakfast Pack at the drive-in theater tonight," Judy explained. "How about that? We have another day off so we can do it tonight."

Contemplating the idea more, I came to a decision. "Hmmm... Sounds good Carrots!" I was quite pleased with the new plan we made. "Though, I will have to take a nap first," I told Judes, reminding her of my current drowsiness and headache.

"Oh right! Of course," She said waving her hand dismissively.

She continued cooking, and while it was silent, I realized something. Then I looked up to her, smirking. "Jeez Carrots, you're making it up to me for the second time," I remarked, tsking at her.

"What? I can't help it that I'm trouble," Judy countered slyly, looking at me through her lashes from the corner of her eye. I shook my head at her, unimpressed. She just giggled at that though.

After 15 minutes had passed, breakfast was ready. I finished up, gave my thanks, and left to go to my apartment to sleep in. Yet another movie night with Judy, I wonder what'll happen...
Sorry I had to cut this one short, I wanted to continue this another time. Also 700+ views!? That's honestly insane that I got that many, thank you all so much! For the next chapter, it's not going to continue from this one, instead I'm going to do a one-shot, mostly cause I need more time to think about how I'll write the drive-in chapter. But don't worry, after the next chapter, the chapter after that will be the drive-in one. Hope you enjoyed this one, sorry that it wasn't that interesting. Promise I'll have a better one for the next installment!
-Sweetpotato855 🍳

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