Hot Day

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Judy POV:

This afternoon wasn't too busy for Nick and I, we were just trying to finish some reports that were due. Today was another sunny day in Zootopia, and though warm ones like these were supposed to be nice, you couldn't really enjoy it if you're crammed inside an office space. It was uncomfortably hot inside. The temperature was 98° outside and all I wanted to do right now was to jump in a pool of ice. Even the air conditioning wasn't helping us, which really made me frustrated. Nick and I tried our hardest to concentrate on working, but the heat was becoming unbearable. Nick was fanning himself, panting slightly. I just sat there in my office chair, feeling like I was about to melt, the beads of sweat rolling down my fur. Another thing which sucked about being a mammal: Fur all over your body  is anything but helpful when you're over-heating.

I heard Nick growl suddenly, which momentarily made me not think about the heat. He then stood up. "You know what? That's it!"

Nick began to undo his tie hastily,  which got me fumbling in my seat.

I quickly covered my eyes. "N-Nick! What are you d-doing?"

Nick finished unraveling his tie and got to work on unbuttoning his uniform. "What does it look like? I've had it with this heat and if I don't do something now, I feel like I'm going to have a heat stroke!"

My face and ears felt like it was hotter than Zootopia right now. "B-but Nick! Y-you can't just take your s-sh-shirt off!" I sputtered out, feeling even more embarrassed that I couldn't speak properly.

He gave an agitated sigh before continuing. "Sorry Carrots, but right now I could really care less if it's not dress code."

Nick got the last button off, ripping off his blue attire. I took a peek through the crack between my paws  and saw him and all his shirtless glory. His muscles weren't huge, but they were taut and sleek, like how a predator that's ready to hunt should look like. If I wasn't going to faint from the growing heat, it was going to be because of him. He plopped back down onto his chair, sighing in relief.

"Aaahhh, I feel much better. Fluff, you should go get some water bottles from the break ro--

"I'll get right on that!" I interrupted, quickly getting up from my chair and speeding towards the door. I really needed to leave immediately before I actually passed out. I quickly made my way to the girls restroom and splashed some cold water on my face. That helped bring me back to my senses and cool down. I still felt embarrassed though, so I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Why are you getting like this? He just took off his shirt it's no big deal... Even though I told myself this, inside my mind I was having a tiny panic attack, wondering how I was going to get any work done with Nick in his current status. I took some more assuring breaths, had another round of water to my face, and exited the bathroom feeling a bit more refreshed.  I made my way towards the break room, and once I entered, thankfully it was much more ventilated than the heated office. I spotted Officer Delgato the tiger, snacking on some cubed watermelon.

"Hey Delgato! How's that watermelon?"

Delgato gave a warm grin and replied. "It's great, I'm on break right now, thankfully. For some reason the office rooms are really warm, guess something is wrong with the AC."

"Oh! Are they going to fix it soon?"

"Yeah, they're working on that right now." Delgato replied sticking another watermelon dice into his mouth.

I walked over to the refrigerator and got two water bottles for Nick and I, then sat at the same table Delgato was eating at.

"So are you on break too?" Delgado asked.

I shook my head before answering. "Nah, I just came here to get some water bottles for me and Nick, also I think I'll be staying until the AC is fixed."

Delgato chuckled. "Huh? What's so funny?" I questioned, giving him a half smile.

"No it's just... You and Wilde really are something."

"What do you me--

We suddenly heard a distant voice in the building yelling out, "Okay, the AC is working again!"

"I'll talk to you later Hopps, the AC is working now so you should get going too." Delgato announced as he got up to leave.

Though I was relieved that the air conditioning was working again, I felt terribly curious about what Delgato meant by that. I decided not to dwell too much on it though, so I said goodbye to Delgato and made my way back. I remembered that Nick was still shirtless though, which made my chest pound quite profusely. I was determined to get back to work though, so I ignored my beating heart and kept going. I peeked inside and as I expected, he was still shirtless. I took a deep breath before walking in.

"Hey Slick, I got them. You owe me." I told him with as much composure I could put into my voice. I threw him his water bottle while walking towards my desk, from my peripheral I saw it hit his snout which made me suppress a snort.

Nick made an "oof" sound when it hit him. He scoffed at me. "Geez, watch where you throw, Carrots." He twiddled with the water bottle in his paws before he spoke up again. "Thanks though."

I felt happy when I heard his little gratitude. But I decided to keep cool and not accept his thank you. Instead I sternly told him, "Now that I got the water, can you please put your shirt back on? The air conditioning is working now and the Chief might see you like that."

He opened up the water bottle and began. "I don't know Carrots, seeing you get all worked up when I took my shirt off was priceless. But since you asked, I'll do it in 30 minutes."

I choked a little on my water when he said he noticed me getting flustered. I could feel my face getting hot again. That's it! An idea crept into my mind and I knew I just had to do it. I stopped drinking and looked at him cynically.

"Nick..." I started, my voice low. "You are going to put it back on now." I commanded, staring daggers at him.

"Or what?" He questioned with a sly smirk.

"Or this!" I yelled as I splashed him with my own water. I began giggling as I saw him trying to evade my shots, scrambling across the room.

"Dang it Hopps, you know how I hate getting my fur wet like this!"

"Don't make me do it again!" I threatened, holding the water bottle to him menacingly, getting ready to strike again.

"Okay, okay! I'm putting it back on, just-just let me dry up first!" He surrendered, getting his clothes hurriedly. I smugly grinned at him, satisfied that I got my way. I watched him put on his items one by one, making sure he put the whole uniform back on.

After Nick had finished drying up and put on his uniform, I heard him scoff to himself and grumbled, "sly bunny."

I smirked at his remark, and got back to work, feeling much more focused again. In the back of mind though, I thought about what Delgato said, wondering what he thought about what mine and Nick's relationship was...
First of all, O.M.G!!! I have more than 1.5k views and over 100 votes on this story what the heck! I didn't think that a lot of people would read this but wow, thank you all sooo much!! Also, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took forever to post it, It's just that summer makes you really lazy lol. Well I hope you're ready for the continuation for Make-Up, till next time.

My Fur Is Red So Cute Bunnies Can't See Me Blush (Wildehopps)Where stories live. Discover now