The Next Day

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Judy POV:

I woke up, my eyes heavy and my mouth having a gross taste, I felt unbelievably gross right now. As my eyes opened up more, I quickly squinted from the light that flooded my apartment. Jeez I feel like crap...
I rubbed my eyes to help my blurry vision, flittering them so I could get accustomed to the brightness. I mumbled to myself," What time is it...?" I saw that my phone was conveniently placed on my nightstand, so groggily I grabbed it to look at the screen. I saw that it was 9:24 a.m. I usually get up at 7:30 on the weekends so of course this is unacceptably late for me. At that moment I realized why I felt like this. I rubbed my forehead with a bit of shame, shutting my eyes to sigh in annoyance. Why did I have to take 10 shots... Dumb fox always challenging me, I thought to myself. That reminds me, what did happen last night? All I remember are hazy moments in the bar, going inside a car, and then suddenly collapsing. I wasn't that worried though, since I was in my bed safe and sound with no cuts are bruises. Just pretty hungover. The more I think about it, I'm pretty sure Nick drove me home. I'll have to ask what happened at breakfast then.

I carefully got up from my bed, taking weary steps towards the bathroom. I pushed the unlocked door to the bathroom and went inside. I grabbed my toothbrush, squeezed some toothpaste on to it and started brushing. After washing my mouth it wasn't too foul. I then took a shower, feeling re-energized once I finished. I felt a lot better now. I left the bathroom and began drying my fur with my favorite towel. Finally I put on a comfortable shirt with yoga pants. Boy did I look ten times better than I did when I woke up. I came back to my phone and quickly went to my contacts to find Nick. I found his name as I scrolled and sent him a message telling him to meet me at our favorite smoothie shop at 10:30 to eat together. I could really use one right now. Plus the place sold oatmeal as a breakfast item and I've heard it's one of the many remedies that helps cure hangovers. I was taken away from my thoughts when I heard a buzz from my phone, signaling that Nick answered me. And of course he said he would be there.

It was 10:10 so I started heading off. I made it to the shop 5 minutes early. I had already went inside and ordered for both of us. We always got the same thing when we went together so of course Nick's usual order was imprinted in my mind. I sat down and before I knew it Nick came in. I silently waved at him with a half grin and he walked towards me with his usual sly smile.

He pulled his seat to sit down."Hey Carrots, how are ya?"

I gave a tired sigh before saying," Crappy, but I won't be so much once we get our meal."

He gave me a knowing nod and then I remembered what I needed to ask him."Oh! By the way Nick, if you don't mind, could you tell me the details of last night?"

Nick's smile faded, his ears going behind his skull."You... You don't remember? " Nick said with an whisper.

"Yeah... Honestly I only remember a few things but even those memories aren't too clear. Everything is just a haze." I responded, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Nick just looked at me silently. he looked like he was debating whether or not he should tell me. What is he thinking right now? What did I do? It couldn't be that bad... But I had a bad feeling in my gut that I could've done something regrettable. I just continued to look at Nick, trying not to give away that I felt scared about whatever he was going to tell me. I just twitched my nose with anticipation.

"Uhmm... Judes, you really DON'T remember much?" Nick finally said.

"Yes Nick, please just tell me already." I responded a bit anxiously.

Nick rubbed the back of his head and reluctantly began," Well, I took you back to your apartment since it was getting late and you were WAY to drunk."

"Well obviously," I said dryly.

"Anyways," Nick continued."I brought you inside and tried to make you go to bed but then..." Nick cut himself off.

"But then...?" I questioned with wide eyes. I needed to know what I did, Nick was killing me with this build up.

"You suddenly pinned me down and started petting me. I wasn't able to move away from you. Then you told me to undress you but luckily you fell asleep before you could continue." Nick said not looking at my now horrified eyes.

Oh cheese and crackers... OH MY GOSH!!! What? WHY?? Oh nooo my life is over!! I can't believe I did that to Nick! I screamed in my mind. If my face wasn't red as a tomato before, It sure is now. I just started stuttering in reality now, my eyes wide with disbelief. Nick looked at me with his ears still behind his skull. But his expression now looked like he wished he didn't speak.

I felt so terribly embarrassed that I felt tears stream down my face. I quickly looked down to my lap, covering my tear stained face. I can't believe I'm crying, it feels so childish but I couldn't help it. I came onto Nick and I felt so guilty.

I sniffled loudly and tried to speak clearly,"Oh Nick... I'm so sorry I did that to you! I'm never drinking again!"

I heard Nick sigh. He got off from his seat to embrace me. He consoled me by rubbing the back of my head. I eventually gave in and cried softly into his shirt.

"You Bunnies are so emotional... Judes don't worry about it. You weren't in the right mind, I get it. Plus, It was also my fault for challenging you. You don't have to beat yourself up about it." Nick told me softly.

I wiped my tears before saying,"Are you sure Nick?"

"Positive," He replied giving me a hug.

I hugged him back, my crying had stopped. I felt much better now. But I still couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt so I told him," Okay but, is there any way to make it up to you?"

Nick chuckled and replied," Well if you feel so bad, you can come with me to the carnival next Friday."

"What? Really? Of course Nick!" I said with a wide smile.

So now we had a new plan, which I was not complaining with at all.

Hey again! Sorry it took me awhile for the new part, I was a bit distracted with school. I hope you liked the new chapter! Stay tuned for "Carnival".

My Fur Is Red So Cute Bunnies Can't See Me Blush (Wildehopps)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang