My life style

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Daniel Howell, or Dan as I prefer. I'm what most people would refer to as a fuckboy. I'm not to keen on that nickname but really when you think about it, I am. Since I hit Year 10, or Grade 10, which is High School, I've been in non-stop dates and relationships with countless of people. Ive been with numerous of girls and even a few guys which have made people think I'm either gay and dating multiple girls to cover it or really desperate. I'm in Year 11 now and everyone has seen me with both guys and girls multiple times so most people have come to the conclusion that I am bisexual which is what I see myself as, but I tend to lead towards guys more. Which makes me seem like a liar considering the amount of girls I've been with, and with that statement I kind of sound like a slut but that's just who I am. I don't know why but for me being in a full time relationship with someone seems overrated and a lot loss fun considering there are so many options out there and sticking with one person just isn't my style. The main reason why I think that way is because I've never really developed any feelings for anyone I was with, or anyone in general. I've found most of them attractive and some I wouldn't mind screwing around with for a while, but I've never felt butterflies when I look at them or get the sense of happiness when they are around. I've never wanted to get to know someone and find out things they are interested in. I've never stumbled with my words or gotten lost into someone's beauty because, as shallow this sounds, getting to know someone isn't something I'm interested in doing. Im just basically here for cheap dates and sex and most people know that when they ask me out. The usual dates I get are from ones who have just gotten dumped or is going through a rough time and they need to feel something and they know I won't turn that down. Pretty fuckboyish to be honest, but really I'm never the one to ask someone out or to flirt first, and even though no matter who it is I'll say yes to for the date and the occasional making out, I don't just screw anyone. I make sure they don't have any diseases or anything that can hurt me or fetishes that involve things I'm not comfortable with. I guess I'm not the full blown fuckboy but I guess you could say I am a player.

Walking down the hallways in my school is one of the best feelings ever. Everyone is always having conversations about me and mentioning me to their friends. I don't even care if it's good or bad, it just gives me this sense of satisfaction when all the focus is pointed towards me and I'm worth talking about. Most people also stare at me and I usually get flirted with a lot as I try to get to my classes. I've been told that I'm hot and fuckable countless of times that I even agree with those statements. I am pretty damn attractive so it's not hard to use my looks for my advantage. I sound so hot headed but I kind of need to be if you are wanting to get dates and one night stands. As I make it to my first class I get stopped by someone Ive been with for a couple of days now. She comes up from behind me and grabs my hand. She pulls me away from the crowd walking down the hallway and over to the side.

"I had a lot of fun last night." She smiles as she stands in front of me. I cringe as I pull my hand away. I'm not really into hand holding or anything couple like considering I won't even remember her next week.

"Umm, yeah so did I, erm... Morgan." I respond. She sighs as she gives me a disappointed and hurt expression.

"It's Megan." She corrects. I shrug my shoulders.

"I was close." I state. I know that's rude that I don't even remember her name but I usually don't when I meet up with someone. Most people don't give me the chance to give me their name when they smack their lips into my mine and drag me to their bedroom. She is really pretty though and a lot of fun and that's the reason I've been with her for the past 2 days. Won't be like that tomorrow though.

"Dan can I ask you something?" She asks. I nod my head. "Do you even care about me?" She asks. I felt my stomach turn a little. "I mean I know we've only been on one date and have hung out for two days, but do you have any feelings towards me or are you only using me?" She asks. I hate when I get someone who is innocent enough to not know who I am and has actually asked me out because they like me. I awkwardly scratch the back of my head as I'm not really sure what to say.

"I wouldn't say I'm using you because I never use people." I reassure, which is actually true. Most people actually use me but I'm okay with it.

"But do you have any feelings towards me? Because I really like you and I don't want to feel unloved in a relationship." She asks. I sigh as I can hear the hurtness in her voice.

"Look. I'm really sorry if you were looking for a real relationship with me but trust me I'm not someone who can stand long term relationships. Even 3 days is enough for me." I proclaim. She crosses her arms as she shakes her head.

"I guess Phil was right." She mumbles.

"Phil?" I question. I've heard that name before. I'm pretty sure he's in my art and math class. If I'm thinking about the correct guy he is pretty attractive, actually very attractive, and I wouldn't mind dating him for those 3 days.

"Yeah, he's my best friend and he warned me about you. I didn't listen because I really liked you and to me you don't seem like the type of guy to screw someone once and leave them but I guess I was wrong." She says.

"Sorry." I apologize again, but not really meaning it.

"One day you are going to say that because you actually feel hurt for what you've done." She says as she walks past me. I turn to her.

"What do you mean?" I ask. She swings on her heel and looks back at me.

"You are going to date someone who is going to change the way you think about relationships and you are actually going to start liking them, maybe even fall in love. Then you will hurt them because of what you do and that will hurt you as well and you realize how much you actually like them." She assumes. I shake my head.

"I don't do relationships."

"You will see Dan." She finishes before swinging back around and heads down the hallway. Kind of saddens me when something like this happens because as they thought they were actually going to get a boyfriend and have a long time relationship only to find out the truth and is hurt about it, I don't feel anything at all. Also who could possibly come into my life and change it to where I actually develop feelings for them and want to date them longer then a week and actually getting to know them instead of going on one date and then screwing them? That not my life style and I can't see that happening with anyone.

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