Told you so

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I stand here at the end of the hall as I wait for my bestfriend Megan to show up. I usually wait here so I can walk her to our first class, which is art, but this time I'm mainly waiting for her to come half pissed and upset about what she has to say about her new crush Dan. I've been waiting ever since she asked him out for her to come running to me and start complaining on how he used her just like he uses everyone else. I usually would feel bad and try to fight any guy that has hurt her, but I warned her about him. I warned her about how he hates being in a long term relationship and only says yes to every date so he can sleep with them that night and move on the next day. She thought I was crazy talking and didn't believe me when I told her that he is a low hearted prick that doesn't care about anything but cheap dates and sex. I half expected for this to happen yesterday considering Dan usually gets bored with his dates after the first night but I guess Dan thought she was worth another night which isn't a surprise to me because she is really pretty and really fun to be around and anyone would be lucky to date or be friends with her. Sadly she picked the one guy who doesn't care about someone's personality and I wont be surprised if things change today considering Dans longest relationship was only 6 days with some guy named PJ who moved away shortly after and that was before he changed into a fuckboy. Now Dan usually just does one date, gets them to his bed, then repeats it with someone else the next day and he happen to suck in my best friend and now she might be hurt from it and I'm just waiting to hear the results.

I lean my back against the wall as I patiently wait. I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Megan to inform her I'm at our normal spot waiting for her. I wouldn't be surprised if she's late or doesn't show up at all though because if she is still with Dan then they are most likely making out in the janitors closet or in his car in the parking lot. I look up from my phone as I see her coming from the end of the hall. Her entire body telling me that she is pissed and I know the reason why. I push myself away from the wall as she makes her way over, sighing as she stops in front of me.

"So, how are you and your Manwhore Howell doing?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"You were right. He doesn't care or even like me at all. We're done." She admits. I nod my head.

"See what did I tell you? He jumps from person to person because all he wants is to go out with someone once and sleep with them afterwords." I remind. She crosses her arms as she sighs in annoyance.

"I get it Mr know it all, do you want a cookie or something?" She annoyingly asks. I grab onto her shoulders as I laugh a little.

"I would love a cookie." I say. She sighs as she smiles at me.

"You are annoying." She says. I smile and let go of her. She looks down at the floor. "I should have listened to you." She admits. I nod my head again. She turns around and we both start heading to our art class. She shakes her head in defeat. "I just thought he was different you know?"

"And why is that?" I ask.

"Because I thought that maybe he just couldn't find the right person so I tried everything I could to give him a good time so that maybe he would see me differently from others and maybe stop jumping for person to person." Megan explains, sighing afterwards and staring down at her shoes. I felt bad because I know she did like him and she sounds hurt.

"I'm sorry Megan but face it he is a total fuckboy." I state. Her eyes widen as her jaw drops. She always gets shocked when I swear since I tend to keep things PG, especially at school. I'm not to fond of swearing because a potty mouth isn't attractive to me really.

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