Expressing the Truth

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I continue heading down the hallway away from Dan. I'm not even shocked when I see Dan making out with his ex boyfriend, so then why do I feel so hurt? I should have known he wouldn't stay loyal to me, but then why did I feel like our relationship was actually going somewhere? Why did I believe I actually got him to like me and we would officially become boyfriends? I thought I actually cracked him and he wouldn't go around breaking people's hearts anymore, but instead he broke mine because I was stupid enough to give it to him. I told Meghan nothing would change with him and now I'm the one that's hurt. Now I know this entire month was a waste of both Dan and mines time.

I angrily speed down the hallway to find the nearest exit. I know I should be in class right now, but I'm just hurt from how I let myself fall for Dan when I knew there was a huge chance this would go no where. I turn my head to check if he's following and quickly swing it back around when I see Dan behind me. My heart beats to the sound of his shoes impacting the ground. I hold onto my stomach as I can feel it twist to how he is the last person I want to talk to.

"Phil, please wait." I hear Dan call to me. I roll my eyes and continue walking. His footsteps increase and I felt his presence behind me. He runs right around me and stops in front, causing me to stop in my place. "Phil... please, I'm not... athletic." He says while out of breath. He holds onto my shoulders as he tries to get his breath back. I smile a little, but then quickly shake it away as I want him to know I'm mad. "Can we please talk?" Dan asks once he can breath properly.

"Why? So you can explain to me how you aren't over your ex-boyfriend who you haven't seen since year 7?" I ask. Dan lets go of me and shakes his head.

"No, I swear I don't still like him" Dan denies.

"So you are still that guy who goes around making out with everyone even when you are dating someone?" I ask. Dan doesn't respond. I roll my eyes again and try to walk past him, but he grabs my arm and swings me back around. I sigh from how infuriated I feel from Dan, but at the same time really curious of why he isn't letting me walk away when he has never cared for anyone he has dated.

"Phil, you don't understand." He says. I shake my head.

"Actually I do. What I don't understand is how I was foolish enough to fall for someone like you." I say. Dans eyes widen and his grip loosens on my arm.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asks. I could tell he felt offended from what I said, which doesn't make sense since he never cares about what other thinks about him.

"You go around dating and fucking whoever. You never get into a real relationship because all you care about is a making out and sex." I believe. Dan sighs as he lets go of me. He lowers his head and faces the ground. My stomach turns to how I'm making assumptions of him that may not even be true, even though it's more likely to be.

"That's not true." He says.

"Then why do you do it?" I ask.

"Do what?" He asks.

"Go around dating anyone you can and then breaking it off in 2 days?" I ask. Dan keeps his head low as he thinks about how to respond. I don't understand how someone can go around dating literally everyone from our year and even people from other years just to break up with them after he is done. I can get that he may not like them, but he has hurt so many people by leading them on, sleeping with them, and then leaving them the next day. Like my friend Meghan.

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