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"So..." Megan pauses as we set ourselves down in our normal spots in the art room. "How are you and Dan?" She asks. Megan asks me everyday about Dan and I ever since I told her about the things Dan told me, how he truly does have feelings and wants to continue dating me even after our one month agreement has passed, about a week ago. Because of Dans decision we have been dating for around a month and 2 weeks now, and honestly I'm surprised myself of all of this. If you told me I would be dating the schools biggest slut, or as I used to call him manwhore Howell, and actually would be developing strong feelings for him I wouldn't have believed you. I never thought I would date someone like him, but I am, and knowing throughout all the people he has dated I was the one he has fallen for makes me feel special. Me. Phil Lester, somehow got Dan Howell, someone who is, or now was, the biggest fuckboy I have ever met, to somehow develop feelings that has led him wanting to continue dating me. I somehow did that.

"Still together." I respond to Megan's question. She smiles widely with the look of proudness printed on her face.

"See. Didn't I tell you that you would be the one he would fall for and stop him from jumping from person to person?" She asks, basically bragging as she has been doing that all week. I sigh and nod my head as I place my breakfast sandwich I bought so I can eat before class starts down in front of me.

"I just... I never would have thought I'd be the one he falls for when he has dated so many people. Practically the whole school." I estimate, glancing around the room seeing all the people he has dated. I can name at least 12 in this class, and it's only filled with 20 people.

"It's because you are a charmer Phil." Meghan says. I chuckle and shake my head.

"I'm not anything special. I'm just Phil." I say. Megan's mouth drops in shock as if I just told her a secret she wasn't supposed to know.

"Are you kidding me? You are more that just Phil Phil." She says. I look down at my sandwich in disbelief. There really isn't anything special about me and it's what confuses me about Dan. Why would he have fallen for me when he has dated other who are far more interesting? Megan reaches her hand over onto mine, making me look up at her. "You are Phil who got his very first and so far only detention by selling hamsters out on the playground." Megan reminds, bringing a small smile to the image of my parents faces when I told them I had to stay after school for trying to sell my hamsters babies to my classmates. "You are Phil who got all of us together to play your very own RPG game you created all on your own." She continues. Memories of her and I as well as some of our old friends all huddled around the computer in my room playing a game that took me all summer to make comes back to me. "You are Phil who puts everyone and anything around him first and makes sure to put a smile on faces because you feel everyone deserves a little happiness even when they feel drained of it or don't spread it back." Megan continues as she squeezes my hand, my smile growing with each sentence. "You are the Phil who's heart is so pure anyone could fall in love with, and Dan has happened to do so." She finishes her reasons, which have brought a smile to my face and my cheeks to become very red.

"Thanks Megan. I can always count on you to boost my self esteem." I say. She nods her head and wraps her arm around me, giving me a small side hug.

"And that's why we are best friends." She says. I smile at her and she pulls back from me. "So. Back to you and Dan." She continues back to the topic we were on. "Since you've been going out with him for over a month. Have you two... you know." She asks, giving me a wink while nudging me with her elbow.

"Have we what?" I ask. My eyebrows narrow in confusion before widening when I realize what she is asking. "Oh." I say. She nods her head slowly as if she asked the simplest question in the world. "No. We have not done that. Not yet anyway." I admit.

Avoiding the truth || Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now