Embarrassing mistakes

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"PHIIIIIIIIIL!" Megan sings my name as she catches up to me in the hallways. Before I have time to turn around her hands grip my shoulders from behind me, using that to jump herself beside me. "Where have you been I have been worrying all day?" She asks, noticing my absences. It's the end of the day, meaning school is now over and not once did I show up to any of my classes. I debated whether I should or not, even got myself dressed and came here but the second I entered the school I couldn't get myself to walk into any of my classes. Mainly because I wasn't ready to face Dan and we have 2 classes together, but also because I didn't want to tell Megan what happened between Dan and I last night. She knew about what I had planned with Dan and will for sure be curious if we did anything or not, but she doesn't know how terrible it went to the point where I felt too embarrassed to show my face to her or Dan and avoided them both all day. Thankfully neither of them ever go to the library so I was able to hide in there all day. Was really hoping I would have been able to escape the school without running into Megan but luck hasn't been on my side for the passed couple of days. "I've been wanting to talk to you since I woke up today." Megan says. I sigh to myself knowing she is going to ask me about last night since she spammed me with messages which I ignored.

"Here to get your daily news on Dan and I?" I ask a little more harshly than intended to and not how I would ever speak to her. I just feel so embarrassed for how things went that I don't even know if I want to admit to her how I got scared thinking about my ex and pushed Dan off of me, as well as basically called him a slut to his face. I tell her everything, but this is too embarrassing and hurts more than I want it to.

"Actually I have something else to tell you before we get to that." She says, her excitement dropping a little as she knows I am not in a good mood. I glance at her to show her my curiosity even though my mind is too focused on the part where she said 'before we get to that' meaning we will eventually talk about what I don't want to.

"What is it?" I ask as I turn towards my locker. She stands beside me, moving in closer as if she is about to tell me a secret.

"Remember when I said 'If the right girl ever came around and made me realize I wasn't straight I would understand you?' " She asks. I nod my head as I mindlessly use my locker to try to distract me from the thoughts of last night, not really paying attention to anything around me including Megan. "Weeeellll-" She pauses as she moves in closer. "I found a girl." She reveals. I nod my head as I stare at the inside of my locker. I replay what she said in my head and think about what she told me. I then quickly turn my head to her with wide eyes when it suddenly hits me.

"Wait, did you just say you found a girl?" I ask. Her smile widens as she nods her head. "As in, a girl that you like?" I ask just to make sure I am not thinking of this differently. She nods her head again as her hands clasps together to her chest.

"Yes!" She confirms that she found a girl who she likes more than just a friend. Meaning my best friend who has identified as straight has found someone who is making her realize shes not. "She is in our grade and I met her yesterday after school when I accidentally bumped into her and spilled her chocolate milk all over her." She says. I bring my hand up to my mouth to cover the laugh from the image. Were both such klutz that it's not surprising thats how we would introduce ourselves to new people. Doesn't make it any less funny though. "After I helped her clean up she asked to hang out and we did and I could feel my insides wanting to come out the entire time I was with her." She continues as she falls back against the lockers, her hands pressing against her chest. My eyes widen to her -my best straight friend- falling for a girl. "Shes so funny and really pretty and sweet and she wants to hang out again today and I am so excited my heart is pounding just thinking about it." She finishes, her hands dropping to the side as she stares off to no where with a puppy love look written all over her face. I can see the blush rising to her cheeks as she thinks about this girl, making me do nothing but smile for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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