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Harry's P.O.V

We arrive at the airport and I see Eleanor.

I almost start to cry.

I run to our airplane and sit inside.

Modest gave us an own airplane today because it was so many seats reserved on the flights to New York.

But either way...

I run to our airplane and sit down and start to cry.

I cry so much.

Then Louis comes running.

-HARRY! HARRY! Louis screams and I hear how he cries.

-Louis... I whisper.

-Harry! Why did you run away? Louis says with tears streaming down his face.

-Lou... I couldn't look at her... I needed to cry, I say and look into his beautiful eyes.

-Haz, we don't need hide anymore! Louis says and smiles a big smile.

-Wha... What do you mean? I say confused.

-I broke up with her, at the airport, infront of everyone! Babe! I just can't hide it anymore! Louis says and hugs me.

-Lou... I'm not ready to come out... I say and pull away from the hug.

-We don't need to come out! We can come out whenever we want to! Louis say and sit down next to me.

-I love you! You know that! Forever! I say and start to cry even more.

-I love you baby, Louis says and hugs me once again.

This time I don't pull away.

-Louis! Harry! Say goodbye to our fans and we are ready to leave! Niall says and walks in happy.

-And why are you so happy Niall? I say with a grin on my face.

-Louis just broke up with his beard! Niall says and smiles.

Both me and Louis starts to laugh.

-Haha, should we say goodbye now? Louis says with a smile on hos face.

-Together, hand in hand, I say and smile.

We walk outside hand in hand.

-DIRECTIONERS ARE THE BEST! WE. LOVE. YOU!!!! We both scream and then walk back into the plane smiling.

Louis' P.O.V

I can see on Harry that he is happy.

Happy that we can finally stop hiding.

I'm happy too.

Happy that I can finally be with the one that I love.

I smile towards Harry and then the plane starts to take off.

-I love you Haz

-I love you Lou

After half an hour we both fall asleep to Niall singing ''Give me love'' by Ed Sheeran.

-I'm so happy, is the last words I say before I drift of to sleep.


need to eat...

I will try to update soon.



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