On the road(chapter15)

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-HARRY! LOUIS! WAKE UP! Liam yells at me and Louis.

-WHAT?! I yell back.

-It's almost afternoon, you gotta wake up, Liam answer and I look at him with a confused look.

-Is it?

-Yeah 3pm. The bus is already moving, we are somewhere inbetween New York and Miami.

-Yeah no shit?! I say in a sarcastic tone and get out of bed.
-Lou babe, wake up! I say loudly from the bathroom.
-Yeay yeah, I'm awake! I hear Louis scream back at me.
Guess he is a little bit grumpy today.
I love when he is grumpy because he always pout a little with his bottom lip and it looks really cute.
Most people are just annoying when they're grumpy, but Louis isn't like them.
And I love everything about him so yeah...
I caught myself staring at Louis who is now standing infront of me.

-Like what you see Styles? Louis asks me and smirk.
-Uhm eh... Yeah, I say carefully.
-It's okay babe, I'm joking with you! Louis quickly says and laugh.

Damn Louis. He always do this to me.
God he makes me so goddamn nervous all the time.
How the hell does he always do that?
God I love him.

Louis' P.O.V

I get out of bed and walk towards the bathroom.
I stand in the doorway and Harry looks at me.
No wait, he is staring at me.

-Like what you see Styles? I ask and smirk.
He looks so goddamn nervous.
-Uhm eh.. Yeah, He says carefully.
-It's okay babe, I'm joking with you! I say and laugh at his nervous look.

God I love to do this.
I always make him nervous and it's so fun.
I Know he hates it, but he is so cute when he is nervous.
I walk up behind Harry ,who now has turned around, and hug him.
I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of the tour.
It feels amazing to have finished our third tour.
I love living on the tour bus.
Our late night chats.
Our late night snacks together.
Everything is so amazing.
But I'm happy that there is no More hotels.
I just wanna go back home and spend time with friends and family now.

Harry's P.O.V

Louis starts to hug me from behind.
By the look on his face I can see that he is exhausted, and happy.
He is in deep taught.

-What are you thinking about babe? I ask as I turn on the water in the sink so I can brush My teeth.
-Oh, just thinking about how much I wanna see my mom, Louis answers quickly and lets go of me.
I smile and turn around.
-Hold me again. I love being in your arms, I say and smile towards Louis.
I turn around again and I can feel Louis' arms wrap around My waist again.

Everything with Louis feels so easy.
No one will ever understand my love for this small boy.
It's funny that he is so much older than me, but he is still shorter than me.
I put some toothpaste on My toothbrush and start to brush my teeth.
Louis' hands move away from My waist as he walks out of the bathroom.
When I'm done brushing my teeth I walk out to the boys who is watching tv.

-I'm hungry! I say and everyone looks at me like I'm a murderer.
-What? I ask and all the boys sit quiet and go back to watching the tv.
I laugh and sit down next to Louis.
-Let's call Paul and ask if we can stop somewhere to eat, I say and everyone agrees.

*20 minutes later*
-THANK GOD! Taco Bell! Louis screams behind me as we get out of the bus.

Lately he's been craving Taco Bell.
I have no idea why, but he has.
It's really weird, he usually don't want Taco Bell at all.
Whatever, I just love seeing him eat so yeah.

-Yeah, thank god, I say quiet and smile at Louis who looks a bit tired.

I guess it's because of the lack of sleep in the last few days, if you know what I mean?
Well either way, tonight we are gonna get a good nights sleep because the boys will be in the same room.
But god I wanna bang that perfect round bum of his so hard that he won't be able to walk for a week.
Fuck, I need to stop having my dirty thoughts at inappropriate times.
And now I'm hard, just fantastic.

-HARRY! You coming? Louis shouts at me.
-Yeah, uh yeah! I shout back at the boy who is now standing in the doorway to Taco Bell.

I walk slowly towards Louis and when I stand right next to him I smile.

-Lou, I have kind of a problem because of you, I whisper as Louis looks down at my bulge and then he starts to laugh.
-It's not funny Lou, I whisper as I walk past him into the resturant and to the other boys who is sitting at a table.

-God you are slow! Niall says as I sit down at the table.
-Yeah, I forgot something in the bus, I lie.
-Okay, but we have ordered yours and Louis' food. I hope you wanted the usual! Liam says and smile towards me and Louis.
-Yeah, that's okay! Louis and I say at the same time and smile at Liam.

Thank god we have Liam!
He is our daddy.
Well I'm Louis' daddy.
God, I haven't had sex in a while.
I really need it.
I put my hand at Louis' crotch so I can feel his bulge.
God he is so hard right now.

-Harry, please. Louis whisper in my ear.
-I want you so bad.. I whisper back and Louis moves my hand from his crotch to his thigh.

I smile at the boys as I excuse myself while going to the bathroom.

Louis' P.O.V
God, he turns me on so fucking bad...
I just want him inside of me now.
Oh, he is going to the bathroom.
Is this a signal?
Well I'm following him.

-Yeah, I gotta pee too! I say and walk after Harry

God damn it his bum is so sexy.

-Fuck Harry! I shout as we are in the bathroom.
-Louis please! Harry begs and I look under all the stalls.
-Get in! I say and Harry do as told.
I start to take Harry's pants off as I hear Zayn say our names.
-Fuck! I shout and slam the door open and walk out and past Zayn.

I walk back to the boys and sit down with a pissed face.

-Hey! Why so grumpy? Liam says as I sit down.
-Nothing! I say sounding pissed off.
-Zayn, what the actual fuck is happening? Niall say as Zayn sits down with a pissed Harry behind him.
-Let's talk about it back on the bus later? Zayn says like it's a question.

The food is on the table already so I start to eat my food fast.
Harry does the same.
I guess we are both thinking the same thing here.


Hi guys, I'm back!

I will try to write on my fanfic everynight and try to post 3 times a week

I will do my best for you!

And if you share my story and rate it and comment I will try to write more

I want to now if there is anyone who actually likes my story...



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