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Louis' P.O.V

-Louis we are here, I hear a little careful raspy voice say.

-Mhm, I answer tired.

-Yey! You are awake! Harry screams when I open my eyes.

-Yeah, and I'm happy to see you, I say a little half sad.

-Baby, you sound sad. Why? Harry answers.

-It's nothing... I just miss mum, I lied.

-You're sure? Harry says and looks into my eyes.

I love those beautiful eyes.

-Yeah, promise, I say and fake a smile.

Yeah, I know...

I should be happy...

I just broke up with my beard...

I can be with the one I love...

But I feel depressed.

I've been feeling like this for a few months now.

It's hard to get used to being able to be with Harry forever.

I love him, it's not that.

Everything's perfect.

But I feel so lonely at the same time as I feel loved.

-Harry, you love me, right? I ask shyly

-Louis, look into my eyes. If you think that I don't love you, there's something really wrong with you! I love you so much Louis! More than you think! Harry says and looks into my eyes.

-I love you too Harry. I'm just stupid, I say.

-Louis, you are not stupid. You are just a little weird! Harry says and we both start to laugh.

-Yeah! I say and smile.

-Harry, thanks! I say and hug Harry.

-For what? Harry asks confused.

-For doing what you do best, make people smile! Everyday you make directioners smile! But right now you make me smile, I say and smile even bigger.

-Aww, Louis! You are the cutest ever! Harry says and kisses my cheek.

We smile and look around.

-Hey, where is the boys? Harry says and look over at where Niall sat earlier.

We take our stuff and go of the plane.

And outside we see the boys walking towards our car.

-BOYS! I scream and hug them all and they all start to laugh.

We jump into our car and drive away.


sorry for bad updating and bad chapter...

but it's 2:43 am right now...

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