3 Am(chapter14)

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Harry's P.O.V

3 AM

Why do I always wake up at this time?

Should I wake Louis?

''L-l-ou?'' I Say a little too low.

''mhm?'' I hear Louis answer.

''Babe, you awake?'' I ask slowly.

''Yeah... can't fall aslepp...''

''Oh, wanna cuddle?'' I say and look at Louis' beautiful face.

I hear Louis chuckle.

''Yeah sure babe''

I put my arm under Louis' head and puts his arm on my stomach.

''I love you baby'' Louis says and kiss my chest.

''I love you too... alot!'' i answer and smile.

We both fall asleep again.


Its really short but gonna do alot of short Ones bc I'm in Turkey while writing this.

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