Sass Off #1.

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*Girl 1 walks through the door*

Girl 2: Oh look, there's a peasant walking through the door!

Girl 1: Bitch, I'd slap you, but that'll be animal abuse.

Girl 2: Me? An animal? I suggest you go see yourself in a mirror.

Girl 1: I'd suggest the same to you, but I don't want you to have a heart attack.

Girl 2: Ughh, why don't you leave us alone and go die, no one will care.

*Girl 1 Empty's her pocket*

Girl 1: Awww, would you look at that? I ran out of fucks to give, oops?

Girl 2: Well, obviously, you gave them to every boy you see.

Girl 1: If I were you, I'd shut the heck up, you got already so many  burns that I can see the smoke coming from your ass.

Girl 2: Why don't you just go back to where you came from; the rubbish.

Girl 1: I'd love to, but I don't have enough time for a tour in your house.


So that's Sass Off #1.

Hope you like it.





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