Sass Off #9.

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Boy: I'm glad you're tall, it gives me more of you to dislike.

Girl: You're like one of those disposable diapers... You're always getting dumped.

Boy: Know what goes best with a face like yours? A paper bag.

Girl: Why don't you do something different with your hair? Like wash it.

Boy: Appearances can be deceiving, or in your case.. disgusting.

Girl: You've got two brain cells, one's in wheelchair, the other's pushing.

Boy: You must of gotten up  on the wrong side of your cage.

Girl: If we killed everybody who hates you, it wouldn't be a murder- it would be an apocalypse!

Boy: You should have been born in the dark ages, you look terrible in the light.

Girl: You're talking like an idiot.

Boy: I know I am. I have to, otherwise you wouldn't understand.

Girl: You suck.

Boy: And you swallow.


Hello my fellow readers, wassap?? Yeah, again thanks for reading this book, you have no idea how much this means to me. I LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS I LOVE CHOCOLATE.





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