Sass Off #8.

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Boy: You are so pathetic !

Girl: Congrats !

Boy: Why?

Girl: You earned the IQ of a horse.

Boy: If I were you, I'd run out the door before I make your life a living hell.

Girl: No, you're the one who should.

Boy: And why is that?

Girl: You need the exercise.

Boy: I can't bear fools.

Girl: Apparently your mother could.

Boy: Are you an elephant?

Girl: No.

Boy: Are you a lion?

Girl: What the heck? No!

Boy: Then you must be a horse arse.

Girl: You're so ugly hello kitty said good-bye for you.


I'll just start with a MASSIVE thank you for my AMAZING readers. Thanking for bearing with me AND my -I HOPE IT BURNS- school. And I'd like to say OH MY FREAKN' FUDGE CAKE !!! 139 READS??? THANK YOOOOOOOU !





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