Sass Off #4.

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-This fight is about a jock, making fun of a fat girl. if you're fat don't be insecure, god made every person beautiful in their own way :)-

Jock: Is that an earthquake? Oh, no, it's just you walking.

Girl: I may be fat, but I can get rid of it, but you will have to live with this nose (Nose, ear, or anything that looks bad about the person) forever.

Jock: Hey! My nose is nice, that's why the ladies love me.

Girl: Yeah, the only lady who loves you is your mom.

Boy: Are you freakn' kidding me?

Girl: Mate, I mean, you have a face not even a mother would like.

Boy: I'd call you a retard, but that would be insulting to retards.

Girl: If you put your face by a door, no one would ever come in.

Boy: Ahh.. I see the screw-up fairy have visited us again.

Girl: If I throw a stick, will you leave?


Hey guys. 

DON'T HATE ME. Short, I know and I know I didn't update in a long time, but I start school tomorrow, so I was bust buying my uniform and stuff, and like I said, my school starts tomorrow, so I'll be more busy. I'll try to update when I have the chance.





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