Chapter 3: Fun

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As Kori walked down the hallway past her room, she herd clicking and beeping. Looking inside, she saw a small figure with black hair typing away at her computer. "What are you doing in my room?" she asked angrily. "We have rules, Damian. You never trespass another person's space." She closed the laptop with a snap.

"You have nothing on her," he said. "No background, no history."

"On who?"

"Raven. You're the leader of this group, you should know everything about her. It's called vetting."

"She's fourteen, no mother, not father. She grew up in a hostile realm, not unlike my own planet, and she escaped, like I did. We didn't know anything about Raven when we took her in except that she needed a home, a place to grow."

"I was taught that knowledge was power, and you knew nothing about her," he said.

"How much do you have to know when people are in need?" Kori said indignantly. "Garfield was eleven when his genetics kicked in and gave him green skin, and, powers. Tessa was raised in a lab, then lived on her own, on the run, for years. We still don't know the purpose of Jaime's alien armor, or all of it's abilities. We just knew they needed help. You have to have a little faith sometimes."

"Faith is a belief based on an absence of data. It invites disaster," Damian said as he walked away. Kori scowled as he left.

"You have no idea how frustrating it is," Kori said to Dick over the video chat while wringing out her hair. "He reminds me of, my sister."

"I told you he was tough," Dick said. "Never had a childhood. Doesn't know how to act with kids, or anyone else for that matter."

"It's affecting everybody," she said, unwinding the towel from her head.

"Well, you can't expect him to be great at bonding. He spent most of his life training to kill," Dick said, pretending he wasn't looking at the screen when Kori leaned forward to grab her hairbrush. "Then he moved in with the big bad Bat, which I can tell you from personal experience is not exactly fun."

"So you've told me," Kori said, sighing and laying back on the couch.

"Speaking of fun," Dick said, plainly staring at her legs. "The old room looks great. You know, Kori, you and I could just—"

Kori gasped. "Fun!"


"That's it! That's what we need!"

"What who needs?" Dick asked, perplexed.

"Oh, you're so smart, thanks Dick!"

"Kori, I don't—" Kori cut him off by turning off the video chat.

"Fun," she said.

Back in the Hall of Justice, Cyborg was standing at the computer when Batman walked in. "I wondered when you'd get back. The lost Superman. Fifty-five miles off the coast. Flash is checking the area, he just disappeared. Where the hell is he going?"

"Do you have my feed from the Batmobile?" Batman asked. Cyborg pulled up the feed and saw the possessed Superman.

"Yeah," he said. "That's messed up."

"The entity was strong enough to possess a Kryptonian. It can't stand the host if the host is damaged. If I had poisoned Superman with a bigger dose, I might have saved him." He paused for a moment. "Scour the net. Narrow your search to Superman sightings, and to recent supernatural events."

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