Chapter 6: Interaction

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"Get him inside," Starfire said.

"Gar, give me Jaime and you take Cyborg," Tessa said. After moving Cyborg and Batman into the Tower, the Titans decided to do some emergency medical care.

"Garfield, hold still!" Starfire said as she cleaned a scrape on his cheek. He had a few other scrapes and bruises, but was otherwise unharmed.

Jaime was pretty dazed from his fall, but he also seemed fine. Starfire had glass cuts and scrapes from being tossed out of the window, and Damian had a bloody nose and multiple bruises. Tessa was standing back from everyone.

"Are you injured?" Damian asked her.

"Um, I think there's something wrong with my wing," she mumbled after a moment. When she turned, Damian saw that her left wing wouldn't fold up completely.

"What happened to it?" he asked as she sat down with her back facing him.

"Well, Cyborg grabbed it while I was flying by, and I felt a pop."

Gingerly, he began moving the wing around, noticing how her hands gripped the edge of the chair as he did so. "I think it's dislocated," he said. "This is going to hurt." With that, he popped the joint back into place. Tessa inhaled sharply before relaxing.

"Thanks," she said after a moment. "That's a whole lot better."

"You do know that you walked around for about thirty minutes with a dislocated wing, right?" he asked.

"I'm aware," she answered, moving the wing around. It was sore and stiff, but should be fine relatively soon.

"Why didn't you mention it?" he pressed.

"Dunno," she said, shrugging. "You seemed like you had enough going on."

"Whatever," he said, walking away. Clearly he wasn't going to get anywhere here.

The Titans decided that the best course of action would be to wait for Cyborg to wake up and ask him what he knew. There wasn't much they could do for Batman, so they gave him an oxygen mask and left him on the couch.

As they waited, Damian's thoughts drifted to Tessa. He admired her strength. He also doubted that she would be able to fly with a wing that had been so recently dislocated. So he decided to talk to her about it, provided he was able to make any more headway than last time.

"Tessa?" he said. The brunette turned, eyes asking her question for her. "Are you going to be able to fly later? Your wing was dislocated." Okay, maybe that was a bit blunt, but he wasn't known for finesse.

"I'll have to be able to," she said, equally bluntly and not quite understanding his question.

"But don't you need rest?"

"I am resting."

"No, I mean," he sighed. What was going on? "Shouldn't you stay off of it for a few days? Let it heal?"

"Look," she said. "These wings are only one small part of how different I am from normal people, from you. Don't worry, I'll be perfectly fine." She hadn't meant it to sound like that, she just really, really didn't like talking about her past. It's why she and Raven got along so well, why Raven was the first one she opened up to, and why she was so hell-bent on getting Raven back, even if it cost her her own life.

Damian stood there, trying to think of what he did wrong. This girl confused him to no end, and he didn't know how to get through to her. Maybe after they had rescued Raven and everything settled down, he could talk to her. There was something, different, about her. Like Raven, her eyes made her seem older, but there was still a hidden sparkle that, whatever she had been through, hadn't been put out. And he was determined to bring it further into the light.

Okay guys, I am so sorry this is so short and that I haven't updated in so long.  I'm in high school and I have exams coming up, along with personal stuff, which makes updating really hard.  I know the chapters are normally really long, and that this one isn't, but I wanted you to know I hadn't forgotten about you, or this story.  It just warms my heart every time I see the comments, or how many views this has gotten.  The story will continue to follow the movie, and then after I will take it in my own direction.  If there is something you would like to see in the story, leave a message in the comments and I'll do my best.  As usual, I own nothing.

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