Sneak Peek and Author's Explaination

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So, I feel like a terrible human being for not updating at all.  I'll talk a bit about it, but for those that want to read, there is and unedited, unchanged bit that I wrote back in July.  Mind you, I have new ideas now, so some of this may be changed in the actual story, but I felt like I needed to give you something.  It is COMPLETELY UNEDITED.  There will be mistakes.  Sorry.

You don't have to read this part.  It is me ranting.  I'l try not to do it often, but I need to right now.  I'm also not telling you this because I want sympathy.  Just getting it down will help.  I'm also really sorry about everything else.  I've been so busy, since I'm a senior in high school and I had to do college applications (I got in) and now scholarship applications.  College is expensive.  And the depression got worse, but I'm not thinking it's just depression anymore.  But Demi Lovato helps with that.  I ordered her book, and I listen to her music all the time.  My parents don't really understand.  How can they when I don't even understand?  My dad doesn't know about the depression.  But I'm fighting.  I won't go back to where I was three years ago.  I gave you the Skyscraper music video, cause that song helps me a lot.  No other reason.

And without further ado, here is the sneak peek:

After they got back, the Titans and Cyborg attended to their wounds. It was night time, and they had already called someone to take care of Batman.

"Can't you just take care of it out here?" Tessa asked.

"No," Kori answered firmly. "I need you to come into the infirmary so I can stitch up your wing. I know you don't like it, but I promise I'll make it quick."

"Okay," Tessa said grudgingly. "As long as you make it quick."

Damian, who had been walking down the hall, wondered why Tessa would dislike going into the med bay. He himself had been taken care of earlier, the gash on his stomach neatly stitched and his other minor cuts cleaned.

Tessa sat on a gurney in the med bay with her wing folded awkwardly to the side so Kori could reach the cut.

"This is deep," Kori said. "I wish you would have allowed me to look at it earlier."

Tessa simply grumbled. After a few moments, she became aware of a heartbeat out in the hallway. It was too slow to be Gar's, his was quick due to his genetics. And it was also too light to be Jaime's, but not calm enough to be Raven's. That left only one person: Damian. He must be standing outside the door, waiting. Tessa only hoped it was for Kori and not her.

"There, all done," Kori said. And a good thing too, Tessa had begun to get as jumpy as a cricket. "Now, I don't want you flying for a good week maybe more." Tessa shrugged. A week for normal people usually meant about three days for her, what with her accelerated healing and all. "No," Kori chided, "I know what you're thinking, a whole, normal person week." Tessa's shoulders sank.

"Okay. I'm going to go now."

"Alright. Go eat something."

Tessa left the med bay. When she reached the hall, Damian was nowhere in sight. Guess he didn't need to talk to anyone that badly. Or he was eavesdropping.

Instead of going to the kitchen to get food, Tessa headed up to the roof. She often went up there to think. Usually that was followed by her throwing herself into the air, plummeting about a hundred feet, then soaring off. Tonight though, she would have to settle for simply thinking.

Just as she reached the edge, a voice called out from behind her, "I thought you weren't supposed to fly."

Turning around, Tessa saw the one and only Damian. "Heard that lurking outside the med bay door, did ya?" she asked with a bit of snark. She was still on edge from being in the med bay, and not being able to fly only made her mood worse.

"How did you know I was out there?" he asked. Outwardly, he gave no indication that he was startled. His heart rate, however, increased just enough for Tessa to hear.

"I'm psychic," she said, deadpanned.

"You are?" he asked, now outwardly surprised. Surely he would have known if one of his team mates was psychic.

"No, I could just hear your heart through the door." Tessa allowed a smile to slide onto her face. Not everyone could get that reaction out of the Boy Wonder.

"And how could you tell it was me?" he asked, eyebrows still raised.

"Well, Garfield's heart beats extremely fast due to his genetics. Jaime's is strong and slow, and Raven's is always very calm. And Kori was with me. So that left only one person, since Cyborg left a couple hours ago."

He nodded before saying "Where did you get these powers? The healing, the wings, the hearing?"

Tessa's face darkened. "A place no child should ever have to be raised."

"What do you mean?" He knew he shouldn't push her too far, but he wanted answers. And this was the only way to get them.

"I'm two or three percent avian," she said. "My life was a living Hell before Kori found me and they convinced me to come live with them."

"That doesn't explain anything. Why didn't you want to go into the med bay? I saw your face when you came out. You looked like a cornered animal." Kind of like you're starting to right now, he thought.

"Listen," she said, her voice becoming hard and steely. "You want to know about my life, hm? Have you ever heard of the Maximum Ride book series?" He shook his head. "Look it up and read at least the first one. Those stories were based on me. I talked to the author and he created the character to fit. Give it a read and let me know what you think." With that, she turned and walked stiffly to the door, slamming it behind her.

When she entered the kitchen, Jaime and Garfield were already eating. "Hope you saved some for me," she joked. The Tower always had enough food. She grabbed some food, and listened as Garfield told a joke with his mouth full, thinking that she was glad that she had come to live here.

The next morning, Tessa woke up early like she usually did. On most mornings, she would go flying, and practice her aerial skills. Since she couldn't do that, she decided to go down to the virtual training area. Damian, being Robin, would probably get up early to train, but not this early, and she could take her chances with talking to him. Last night, they hadn't spoken to each other at all after their talk on the roof.

While she was training, Tessa practiced with her arrows for a while, then switched to hand-to-hand, knowing she needed to work on that. She was laser focused and covered in sweat, so much so that she didn't notice a figure enter the room until she defeated the last of the 'enemies'. Turning, she saw it was Damian, come to train.

"Room's all yours, I'm all done 'till later."

She picked up her bow and arrows, and was about to leave when Damian said, "I read the book."

"What?" she asked, stopping and turning around.

"Last night. I read that book you said."

"Oh." She hadn't actually expected him to read it.

"I didn't know the topic I was pressing was so sensitive," he continued. "If I had known, I wouldn't have pressed."

"Um, thank you." She didn't really know what to do. He basically just apologized to her, in his own Damian way. Not to mention the fact that she still wasn't completely comfortable with him yet. Getting there, but not yet. "I'll see you at breakfast," she said, and walked away.

So, this is it.  I love reading your comments, and the convos you guys have.  And thank you so much for the ideas.  I love you guys, and I hope you had a great time with whatever you celebrate.  Or if you don't, I hope you had a great time with that too.  Stay safe if you live in icy-snowy places.


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