Rue Joins The Crew

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I wake up to screaming.

I sit up scared and Peeta who is not the one screaming puts his finger over his lips. We look at the cave at who the screaming belongs to.

A girl about fourteen is being attacked by the careers. I wanted to scream but Peeta had his hand over my mouth.

The leader of the careers, Cato I believe, took his spear and punctured it through the girls heart. She let out one last muffled scream then her cannon shot.

The career pack laughed out of happiness. "Nice one", the girl Clove said hitting Cato's hand. Two more people in the career pack also highfived Cato. "Let's go and hunt some more people", Cato smiled evily. "Maybe we can find the Thresh dude", Clove said.

They walked away and Peeta let go of my mouth. "Stupid careers," I grumbled. "Hey look", Peeta said pointing to the sky.

They were showing images of who all died today. Twelve died, twelve left to play. I smile,not only am I alive, but the girl Rue is also okay. I'd be dead if it weren't for Peeta though.

I take watch while Peeta sleeps. I am surprised he could trust a little girl like me. He gets a good few hours of sleep then, he and I leave the cave to hunt for food.

I was scared the whole time. I didn't admit it ,but I wanted to get to the cave. I knew we really needed food and especially water though.  I was angry we got water bottles but no water.

Peeta and I were walking when we heard a stick crack. My heart stopped. Peeta grabbed my arm and pulled me to a tree.

Peeta and I climbed up as far as we could before the person came where we were. We weren't that high when the person came out to where we were standing. It was the girl Rue.

I moved down the tree a bit to get a closer look when I missed a limb and started to fall, Peeta tried to grab my arm,but missed. And I fell down the tree.

Sticks were cutting up my body when I hit the ground. I was dazed for a second. You would be too, if you just fell twelve feet. "Great", I thought. "I am dead."

The girl Rue just stared at me in fear. She probably thought I was going to kill her. I stood up slowly. "Please don't hurt me", I whispered.

"I wasn't planning on it", she whispered back. I looked at her hand. She had a water jug full of water. "Where did you get the water?" I asked.

"Oh, there is a stream not to far from here", she answered. Peeta climbed down the tree. "Are you okay," he asked? I nodded.

"Rue said there is a stream not too far from here", I smiled. "Really?" Peeta asked Rue. Rue held up her water bottle. "Yes, it is where I got this."

"Rue, are you out in the woods all alone?" I asked. "Yes", she answered. "If you want you can team up with us, we could help eachother out." I told her. She delayed, probably deciding if she could trust us or not. "Okay", she said.

She showed us some roots and nuts she collected, and showed us the stream. She also had a few knifes. We all went hunting for food and we ended up with two rabbits, and a bird. Rue was the one who killed the bird.

"Is this safe?" Peeta asked. "Yes", Rue answered. "We have them back home." "Alrighty", Peeta said. He made a small fire to cook our meal close to the cave, in case we would have to hide if some one saw the fire.

We ate the food and it was delicious. Maybe it was just because I was starving. We had one rabbit and the bird. We saved the other rabbit meat for later.

The bird was actually great. It was like dark meat chicken,but a bit different. We also had some roots that Rue got. I was thankful we had Rue. Since her district is plants. She knew a ton about what we can eat and not eat.

After dinner we put the rest of our food in our packs. We still had one rabbit, beef jerky, crackers, roots, dried fruit ,and some nuts. Also we each had about three-forth of water left in each of our jugs.

We didn't know what time it was, but we each got in the cave, and decided to sleep. Rue and I shared a sleeping bag, because she didn't get one.

Peets offered to take first watch again. He unzipped his sleepingbag and put it on his shoulders. Tonight you could tell the gamekeepers were making it cold.

I was glad we were in a cave, I couldn't imagine if Rue had to sleep in a tree without a sleeping bag.

In the morning we all washed up in the stream, filled our bottles, and got a bit more food. Rue got more roots and nuts, and Peeta got another rabbit.

For lunch we didn't eat as much as we did yesterday. We only had some dried fruit and some roots. I wasn't full, but I didn't complain. I was still alive.

Later we all went for a walk to find some supplies we may need, when huge fireballs flew and almost hit us. I screamed.

'It's the gamekeepers!" Peeta yelled. We tried to run when one hit me in the leg. I screamed and fell on my face. Peeta picked me up and we ran towards the stream.

"Let me look at it", Peeta says. I shook my head. "It will hurt when you lift up my pants." "Just left me try", he told me. He slowley rolled up my pants

. And when he got to he burn, I about threw up. It was about the size of a smaller plate. I crinkled my nose, "Eww" I complained.

Rue also did the same. But Peeta, for my sake, stayed calm. "We really need some burn cream", Peeta said. Right then, a package came down. Peeta ran and grabbed it. He opened it up, and in it was the cream.

I felt relieved. Maybe I had even another day to live.

He applied it to my leg. "Are you able to walk?" Peeta asked. " I think so", I replied. He helped me up, and the three of us walked back to the cave.

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