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Feliciano Vargas with Ludwig Beilschmidt
7 minutes ago

I want to eat Germany's sausage again! It was so big and juicy. Thank you for last night Germany! I really enjoyed it.

Kiku Honda: Uhg... Italy-kun... So, you did it with Germany... Congratulations for you...

Alfred F. Jones: Seriously dude?

Lovino Vargas: What?! You what?! I know you can be stupid, you idiota fratello, but... I just don't know what to fucking tell you anymore. That potato bastard. This is his fault!

Peter Kirkland: Ew. What the heck.

Arthur Kirkland: so you were into that kind of thing? So awkward...

Francis Bonnefoy: I see, so you have taken that path of love hon? Well, it's fine as long as you love each other.

Ivan Braginski: Hey China, let's do that too. I'll be on top da!

Wang Yao: No way aru. What are you thinking?!

Ivan Braginski: So you will become one with Mother Russia da!

Wang Yao: Never.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Hey what's all this fuss about?

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Wait, What the heck?! ITALIAAAAAAA!!!

Feliciano Vargas: But I really did eat your sausage didn't I?

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Yeah

Ludwig Beilschmidt: I mean NO!  You ate Wurst! Don't make it sound so Erotic!

Lovino Vargas: ...

Wang Yao: ...

Francis Bonnefoy: ...

Kiku Honda: ...

Arthur Kirkland: ...

Alfred F. Jones: Ahh... False alarm. It was already getting interesting...

Peter Kirkland: err... Okay...


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Happy Reading Mi amigos!

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