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Feliciano Vargas
1 hour ago

If you're a tower, you're gonna be the Eiffel tower, cause EIFFEL for you ;)
•59 people like this.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Smooth

Alfred F. Jones: Hey Feli, dude! I have one!

Feliciano Vargas: what is it ve?

Alfred F. Jones: Are you a cup? Cause I wanna fill you up :D

Feliciano Vargas: I did NAZI that coming.

Alfred F. Jones: you're so good at this dude XD

Feliciano Vargas: Grazie! SODAt is all? XD

Francis Bonnefoy: So you're doing it again

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Hey I'm Sam and you must be Aw, beause when combined, we're AwSam, awesome right?! XD

Alfred F. Jones: cool

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ja, with all that said, can you please stop this already? You've been like this since yesterday. It's annoying.

Feliciano Vargas: at least it's not the WURST case scenario.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Forget talking -_- you're dead

Feliciano Vargas: Italians don't die, they just PASTA way :3

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