America's chef

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Alfred F. Jones
4 minutes ago

Lovino dude, I so wanna eat Italian food right now.  Cook me some like you used eh? 😉
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Lovino Vargas: Why would I do that bastard?

Alfred F. Jones: Oh come on dude. Just like the old times.👍👌

Feliciano Vargas: Ohhhh.....the horror 😱. All those fats dumped in pasta.... 😨

Lovino Vargas: I don't want to. I'm busy right now so piss off.👎😠

Alfred F. Jones: I'll pay you.

Lovino Vargas: I'm in front of your house.


Romano used to work for America as a chef. America once asked Italy and Romano to cook for him and use the ingredients in his refrigerator, but most of the ingredients were bacon and food high in calories. Romano just threw all the ingredients together because he already knew how America likes his food

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