Good Touch Trio?!

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Arthur Kirkland
51 minutes ago

I think I made a grave mistake. Nor, Romania, help.
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Lukas Bondevik: hmm?

Vlad Popescu: What is it again?

Arthur Kirkland: I think I broke the BTT

Lukas Bondevik: BTT?

Arthur Kirkland: Bad Touch Trio.

Vlad Popescu: Gil, Francis, and Tonio?

Arthur Kirkland: ...yes

Lukas Bondevik: Care to explain what happened?

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Oh there you are Sir Arthur. We were looking all over you. We apologize for our imprudence earlier.

Antonio Fernandez Carriedo: Hi there England. A nice day today isn't it? I apologize for messing with you back then :)

Francis Bonnefoy: Anglaterre, I was worried what had happened to you. I thought you despised me... I'm very sorry Anglaterre, I didn't mean to do it. Did I unintentionally sexually offended you? If so, then tell me how I should make it up to you.

Arthur Kirkland: SEE?

Vlad Popescu: Isn't this a lot better? They are polite.

Arthur Kirkland: But it's creeping me out! Specially frog... This is not them...

Lovino Vargas: I thought Spain was acting weird and all, but turns out you did something to him! Return him back to normal bushy brows! It's really creepy...

Arthur Kirkland: I know... It's so creepy...really not like them. AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING BUSHY BROWS?!

Lovino Vargas: Anyway, just return them back to normal...

Arthur Kirkland: yes... i'll do my best

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Thank you England...

Arthur Kirkland: For what?

Ludwig Beilschmidt: For letting me see a serious, quiet, and mature prussia... Gosh I think i'm going to cry.

Arthur Kirkland: Don't, that's disturbing.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: But i still like my original brother better. So, please return him back to normal.

Arthur Kirkland: Yes, i really will. They are very creepy like this.

Lukas Bondevik: So, what really happened Arthur?

Arthur Kirkland: Oh sorry Nor, well, I was making a potion to make them little kids with cat ears for payback, but I kind of messed up and put the potion aside in my cupboard. France brought Prussia and Spain with him and started bothering me, so i decided to test out the potion on them and mixed it with tea. When they drank it, i thought nothing happened, but they started acting weird. Then, back to current situation.

Vlad Popescu: I see

Francis Bonnefoy: Anglaterre, the tea was good. Thank you for making it for us.

Arthur Kirkland: *shivers*

Lukas Bondevik: Oh. I have a potion that can turn them back. But it has side effects.

Vlad Popescu: That's good to hear.

Arthur Kirkland: Really?! What?!

Lukas Bondevik: They'll feel really tired and be so lazy for a week.

Arthur Kirkland: Oh yes please!

Lukas Bondevik: In exchange, I want you to give me that potion that makes you submissive.

Arthur Kirkland: Yes sure, but who are you going to use it on?

Lukas Bondevik: A certain obnoxious fella.

Arthur Kirkland: Oh.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Are you done conversing with them Sir England? I just want to tell you that we have cleaned your house and are headed to My cute little brother to greet him. Now then, farewell. Until we meet again.

Antonio Fernandez Carriedo: It was fun England. Until we meet again :)

Francis Bonnefoy: Anglaterre, I will come back and make dinner for you. I missed eating dinner with you hon. See you later Anglaterre.

Arthur Kirkland: *shivers*

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