America's First Follower

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Alfred F. Jones
53 minutes ago

I just made a twitter account!
•78 people like this.

Kiku Honda: Is that so America-kun? How many followers do you have now?

Alfred F. Jones: Not telling XD

Ivan Braginski: "Follow" me first, America :D

Alfred F. Jones: Nice try, vodka man. :p

Matthew Williams: I'll follow you later Al. I'm about to give Kuma a bath.

Alfred F. Jones: Good luck bro XD

Matthew Williams: *sigh

Feliciano Vargas: Ohh, a twitter account. I'll try making one too! Ludwig, Let's make one together.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: I'd rather not. I'm busy.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Kesesese, sure the awesome me will follow you. Just so you know I have 500k followers already XD

Francis Bonnefoy: I have 900k, Albino.

Antonio Fernandez Carriedo: hahaha, I fall behind don't I? I only have 300k

Kiku Honda: Wow, you guys have lots of followers

Wang Yao: They are making videos, of course they are famous aru.

Arthur Kirkland: America is new. I'm sure that git will have lots of followers in the future too.

Alfred F. Jones: Stop it Iggyy >.< it flatters me XD especially if you're my first follower! You're such a stalker aren't you?

Arthur Kirkland: Shut up you little twat! I-I... just happened to see it when I was scrolling down. I wasn't stalking you. Why would I? Yeah, that's stupid. I'd never stalk you.

Elizaveta Hedervary: oh England, you're such in denial.

Francis Bonnefoy: You're as clear as day Anglaterre XD

Arthur Kirkland: oh shut up. If I said I didn't, I didn't. It was just a coincidence.

Alfred F. Jones: But I never said you can't stalk me XD just don't stalk me too much okay? XD

Arthur Kirkland: I said I didn't! Ah, whatever, I'm out of here.

Alfred F. Jones: Thanks for the follow Iggy XD

America didn't want to say his follower(s) because he had only only one and it was England. Gilbert, France, Spain, and Japan followed him a few hours later. He got hundreds of followers the next day because The BTT and Japan were quite famous on twitter. (The BTT makes prank videos and vines. France also makes fanfictions and paintings, Spain makes guitar tutorial videos, and Prussia is a well known gamer. Japan on the other hand makes lots of doujinshis. Japan doesn't use his real name though because his doujinshis are all R-18.)

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