Ice Cream

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Matthew Williams with Arthur Kirkland and Manuel Antonio Sanchez
12 minutes ago

Uh...England, Mexico, are you sure about what we discussed earlier?
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Arthur Kirkland: Of course! You also want to get back on him for hitting your balls when you play baseball, right?

Manuel Antonio Sanchez : This will be so epic. I'll bring the ingredients. Prepare a camera I'll really LMFAO later XD

Matthew Williams: Ok...

Alfred F. Jones is Pissed
2 minutes ago

I hate you to infinity and beyond! How dare you put tabasco in my favorite Ice Cream?! FUCKING ASSHOLES MY MOUTH IS STILL BURNING! FUCK I SAY, FUCK.Watch your backs from now on! .|.
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Matthew Williams: What you did to me is worse, America -_-

Manuel Antonio Sanchez: Yeah! LMFAO! You should be the one watching your back America. We have pictures of you from earlier XD

Alfred F. Jones: What did you say Canada? What did I ever do to you?! You guys are mental!

Matthew Williams: You hit my balls when we play baseball, you always ignore me, I always get beat up by Cuba because he mistakes me for you, you are so violent, you tell me mean things, you eat my pancakes...want me to keep going? This is just pay back America...

Alfred F. Jones: ...dude... I'm sorry...

Matthew Williams: America...

Alfred F. Jones: Hah! You thought I'm gonna say that? No bro, no. I'm getting revenge. Well, sorry for hitting your balls, but I will get my revenge. Maybe not much on you, but on eyebrows and idiot Mexico. Don't dare spread that around Mexico. Do not dare.

Arthur Kirkland: Serves you right wanker. You should've seen your face earlier. It was priceless.

Manuel Antonio Sanchez: What if I do huh?

Alfred F. Jones: World War 3

Arthur Kirkland: Pfft. You make me laugh America. Don't listen to him Mexico. He's just bluffing. The wanker knows the consequences VERY WELL, and nobody will even be considered a winner if the third world war breaks out. This statement just made my day. Hahahaha!

Alfred F. Jones: Fuck you eyebrows...

Arthur Kirkland: Do it. If you can XD

Alfred F. Jones: Oh, WAIT for me. I will spank that ass of yours. Be sure to let me in.


Arthur Kirkland: Don't you dare you bloody git!

Alfred F. Jones: oh I will, ARTHUR

Arthur Kirkland: fuck...

Manuel Antonio Sanchez: Whew... Hardcore man. Canada, say something.

Matthew Williams: uh... Please stop fighting?

Alfred F. Jones: NO. I'm so gonna get my revenge on you Mexico. Watch out.

Manuel Antonio Sanchez: I'll be waiting, AMERICA.

Matthew Williams: I knew it was a bad idea...

Matthew Williams: but it was worth it :) I regret nothing!

Alfred F. Jones: Really? You're next then

Matthew Williams: .-. help...

Heiya guys! New chapter out! Hope you liked it :) UsUk moment though XD hahaha

America is so pissed just for an ice cream LMFAO

Anyway, happy reading! Adios!

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