Plane ride and the baggage claim

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The next day we didn't do much, layed around, ate, talked,. Boring things. We got into the airport at around midnight and we hopped on the first plane for Malibu. IM SO EXCITED!! she said. SHHH!! said a man in the seat next to Taylor. Oh shut your face old man!!  she said. I laughed. and he huffed and moved over a few seats.

So how long til we make it to Malibu. I said in high voice. About 14 hours. she said leaning back into her seat. She was wearing a red hipster type hat and ripped skinney jeans with a red tanktop and a black leather jacket. I was wearing kapprise and a low cut yellow tanktop. Our styles are very different but we somehow manage to get along.

After 4 hours of on and off sleeping and staring out the window i got bored. 10 hours i thought. I plugged in my bright orange ipod and put it on full blast with my earbuds. Magic by One Direction was on. I was mouthing the words and looking out the window when i saw a beach and a sign that said Malibu Beach.

My gut dropped....had i just felt like 4 hours? Excuse me, miss? i said to a flight attendent. Yes? she asked. How long have we been on this flight? i asked. 14 hours, she said. Was there any inconvienience? she asked looking worried. Oh, no not at all. the time just Flew by i said. (see what i did there)

She smiled and walked away. Tay...Tay....Tay we're in Malibu!! i said in her ear. Her eyes shot open...we are!! she said in an excited tone. We've been on the plane for 14 hours, here we are!!

She smiled and looked at my ipod..One Direction. She rolled her eyes and set my ipod down. I didn't know you were a fan of Them...she said in an annoyed tone. I am,. i said. 

"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing in a few minutes so please stay seated and buckle your seat belts. Thank you

I put my ipod in my back pocket and buckled up. A few minutes later i saw the land outside growing larger and larger, then soon the smooth air turned into bumpy road. When i get nervous i have panic attacks i was nervous and i started to panic. My hands were shaking, my feet were tapping, and i was breathing unevenly.

Bri? Bri! stop!! Bri...we already landed!! then i snapped out. What we're stranded?! i asked. No..she giggled we Landed. she said. Oh, good. i said trying to control myself. 

Passengers you may now exit the plane, have a great rest of your night. And thank you for flying.

Taylor grabbed my hand and lead me to the exit. When we got off it was 9 in the morning and whats weird is it was still dark here. Then i remembered the time difference, it was 4 a.m. here. Im so exausted i said to Taylor. I know, me too. Lets get to the apartment complex and get to bed.

We were inside the airport by the baggage claim after a while we got our bags. Then the baggage claim was empty. I looked to make sure no one was watching when....i jumped onto it and began to go around before i fell off. I was laughing so hard and Taylor came up to me, recoreded the whole thing. On twitter it goes. Captioned Brianna's crazy new ride.

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