Total Embaressment...

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Then later i woke up. I was i my room, i was still in my clothes, but my hair was a bit greasy. So i decided to take a shower. So i stepped out of bed and i walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Then i stripped off my clothes and put the handle in the shower to warm and i stepped in. And washed my body and my hair.

Then i stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body and i blow dryed my hair. When i was done i slipped on my bra and underwear and stepped out of the bathroom and went to the fridge. I grabbed the milk and cereal and headed to the living room not even bothering to look around.

I turned on the TV and sat down next to Tayler then i heard light giggleing i  then looked up and i saw Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis staring at me. My eyes grew wide and i turned bright red. Um....Bri? You forget you forget something? Tayler asked. I put my bowl on the coffee table and stood up and slowly backed away and ran to my room.

Then i heard loud laughing. Oh My God!! I forgot she does that!! i heard Tayler say. I slipped on a strappless light blue blouse and a pair of black short shorts. And my black TOMS.

They were all still in a fit of laughter that grew harder as i walked into the room, everyone was laughing everyone except Niall. I mouthed Thank You to him. He walked up to me and we hugged sending the room into a chorus of aww's and wolf whistles. Niall carried you to bed this morning. Zayn said smirking. I blushed.

We turned to them and rolled our eyes. Niall was wearing A green Free Hugs t-shirt and black skinney jeans. Im going for a walk. i said ad turned to grab my cell phone, Can i come? Niall asked. I rolled my eyes and walked out the door like last time but then i walked back in laughing and i grabbed his hand C'mon. i said. He smiled and came with me.

Where are we walking? niall asked. I thought we could go walk along the sea shore if thats ok? i said. He smiled that smile i loved so much and knodded. I like the beach he said. I smiled me too! another thing to add to our list of similarities. I said. 

He laughed and opened the lobby door for me. Thank you!! i sad. Course. he said and we walked side by side down the sidewalk. I think we're gonna be great friends! i said. He laughed and linked his arm with mine. I think so too. he said.

Then me phone buzzed. It was from Tayler.

From: Ti the awesome

Have fun with your BOYFRIEND!!  ;)

I rolled my eyes. Oh you gotta love Tayler i said. Niall looked at me weird. Why? he asked. She thinks i you. i said looking at my feet. I thought you liked me as a friend too. he said. No i do like that, shes saying like like you like LOVE you. i said playing with my fingers. you? niall asked. My heart started to beat like crazy and i paniked. Um....hey look the ocean!! i said and i pulled his arm and ran to the water.

Niall watched me as i ran through the waves. Running and splashing, the sun was setting so i stopped and stared. I watched as the sun slowly creeped down the ocean line. Then i felt someone staring at me. I turned and saw Niall just standing by the water and when i looked at him he quickly turned and  looked at the setting sun.

It's beautiful isn't it? i asked going by Niall. You'd beat it anyday. he said. What? i asked. Um......we should be getting back Louis texted me and said to come back because we're watching a movie. he said. I knodded. Lets go!! i said.

As we were walking it was getting cold i shivered and i think Niall noticed. Come here. he said and he put an arm around my shoulders. I was automatically warm the instant he touched me. Thanks. i said. Anytime he said and we walked into the apartment building.

Friends with Benifits       (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now