Ignore, avoid, and talk to the hand.

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I saw Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. In my apartment. I stuck my hand out to introduce myself. Hi i-im a huge fan!! i said trying so hard not to fangirl. My names Brianna. they all shook my hand and greeted me. I looked over at Taylor she was laying on the floor taking selfies and putting them on instagram.

Tay, i thought you didn't like One Direction i whispered. I do now she said. I ran into the boys last night in the hallway. And we live on the same floor!! isn't  that cool?! she said. I knodded my head then there was a knock at the door. I'll get it i said, and i walked to the door and opened it up to a familiar blond irishman. Hello is- he started saying but i cut him off by slamming the door in his face and i ran to my room and shut the door.

I heard the door open and a chorus of hi, and whats ups going around. Then there was a soft voice by my door. May i come in? the irish accent asked. I stayed silent and just sat in the closet. Then the door slowly opened. I watched as the shadow grew darker and darker and then a body appeared. Brianna? he asked and looked around the room. I quietly got up and ran out of the room. Brianna!! wait! i have to talk to you!

I ran into the living room with all our friends watching us. Brianna, please just let me talk to you. I shook my head and ran around the couch. He ran after me. I ran into the kitchen he followed. JESUS CRIST NIALL!! TAKE A HINT!! i yelled then i walked into my room and shut the door and pulled on a pair of white short shorts and a bright orange t-shirt. When i was finished i applyed some waterproof mascara and light smokey eye.

Then threw my blond hair into a ponytail and walked out of the room. All the boys looked at me and their jaws dropped. I blushed and grabbed my car keys. Im going out. Im stressed out and need some time alone. Oh, um can i come? Harry asked. I knodded. Me too? niall asked i rolled my eyes and stepped out the door.

Harry followed. So whats happening between you and Niall? he asked. I think you should ask Him that i said sassily. Sorry!! he said as he raised his hands in defence. I took one his hands and put mine up to it. His hands were much bigger than mine but i thought it was cool.

We skipped hand and hand to my  silver hummer. (Taylors is black) He buckled up and put the visor down. It's rather hot today. he said. Yeah i agreed putting on my sunglasses. Oooo!! can we go to the beach? he asked. Sure! i've never been to a beach before! i said as i roared the engine.

He looked at me shocked. what? i asked. Im from Wisconsin...we don't have beaches. We have swamps, and lakes and ponds but no oceans. i said pulling out of the parking lot. He knodded. and took out his phone and logged into twitter.


having a blast hanging with you!!

I smiled. Did you see that? he asked. I knodded. He blushed. No keep going take picture of things...he smirked and pulled out his phone and took a picture of me. Im sending this to the boys. To: Liam, Zayn, Louis, Niall.

When he was done he put his phone away. Turn left up here and then we're there. He said smiling. YAY!! *i gasped* The water...palm trees!! SAND!! He laughed. Park the car and lets go!! he said . i parked the car and jumped out. He came around and we walked to the beach.

My eyes lit up when i saw the waves. i took my phone out of my pocket in the car so i wouldn't lose it.

i took off my shoes and i walked along the shore. Harry sat in the sand and watched me. Then i felt two arms wrap around me. I turned to see Harry. I just wanted to ask you something very important. he said. Will you, um...will you go ........out with..me? he asked. I stood there in shock and then i looked at him, lets just take things slow. I said smiling, he looked down at me and smiled You're right.

 Well since we're friends....he lifted me on his shoulder and i was dangling as he held onto my legs. HARRY PUT ME DOWN!! i pounded his back playfully and then he set me down. We traced our hands in the sand and wrote:


                                                                         &               = Friends Forever


He took a picture of it and sent it to the lads. Then we walked along the beach hand and hand. Then we found a big rock a little way from the shore and we watched the sunset.

*taylors POV*

When Bri was running away from Niall i couldn't help but feel for him. Then when she left with Harry and wouldn't let Niall come. That was so low. Right after Harry sent the first picture of Brianna Driving with the wind in her hair. She looked amazing, Niall bursted into tears. I-i -i didn't m-mean t-to yell a-at her-r!! he sobbed into Zayn's shoulder.

We know Niall, we believe you. I had to speak up. Brianna is just going through a phase. It's been happening for awhile now. She'll get over it Niall, i said.

Really? he asked. I knodded Really. Then we all got a text. It sai HS & BW = friends forever...

We all looked in shock as we read the text. Im so sorry Niall...i said. He put his phone in his pocket and stood up. Im gonna go back to my flat, im feeling pretty tired. Goodnight. he said and walked out. I was beyond pissed at Bri and Oh..was she never gonna hear the end of it.

Friends with Benifits       (Niall Horan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora