Football Fun

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Josh's P.O.V.

Time has gone by and I'm starting to get better at speaking. I can almost hold a whole conversation. It's weird speaking, but it makes everything so much easier. I didn't expect it to be like that.

Today is our first weekend. We don't have classes, we don't have anything. I would be excited, except for the fact that I am going to be playing football with Simon's friends.

I guess that I am afraid that I won't be able to hold the conversation and they won't like me and tell Simon not to be friends with me. For once I feel loved and I don't want to lose that.

"Hey you ready?" Simon said getting out of the bathroom fully changed.

I looked down and he grabbed my chin.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm, I'm scared that, that th-they might ju-judge me." I said as Simon just smiled and sat down next to me. 

"They aren't going to judge you. Even if they do I'll be there to protect you. My friends aren't like that anyway. They understand my deal and they will understand yours." He said hugging me.

I got up and put on my shoes. I wasn't as scared as I was before. As long as I have Simon on my side I will be alright. I hope.


We got to the football court and I saw a bunch of guys were playing with their footballs.

His friends were good unlike me.

"Hey guys!" Simon said lifting up his hand waving.

"Hey Simon, who is this?" One of them asked.

He wasn't tall, but he wasn't short. He had hair that just almost flicked up at the front and he had blue eyes. He wasn't the most fit, but he wasn't badly overweight. He was just a bit round.

"Ethan, this is Josh." Simon said pointing to me as I raised my hand waving.

I walked closer to them and then more guys came over.

They all started to hug Simon and were all really excited to see him.

"Hey guys, calm down you idiots. I want to introduce you guys to my friend Josh. I met him in class and now we are roommates. He is not really use to this so before we all just crowd him and try to talk to him can we take it slower?" Simon said almost protecting me like I was his child.

"What do you want us to say our name and a random fact like they do in like primary school?" One of the taller ones said.

He was as tall as I am, but not as tall as Simon. He was wearing a skin tight black shirt and black shorts. His hear was rather large which was weird looking to say the least. He is also black but I feel weird saying that.

"You know what JJ? Why do you always have to back sass me? Huh?" Simon said joking like he wants to fight.

"Maybe cause your an idiot!" JJ said getting all up in Simon's face.

"Don't listen to them, they are literally idiots. I'm Vik and this is Tobi." A shorter boy said as he walked over.

He had dark black hair and dark brown eyes. His friend, Tobi, was also black like JJ was and wore a snapback.

"Hi." I said not the loudest.

They kind of just gave me a weird look but then Simon came back to me.

"I just want you guys to know, Josh doesn't speak," he looked back at me to make sure that it was okay and I nodded yes, "I mean, he didn't speak. When Josh was younger he was beat by his dad. His dad would force him to not speak. His dad got into a car crash killing Josh's mom and his soon to be born sister. Now his dad is in jail for driving under intoxication. I'm trying to teach Josh to speak, so you guys need patience with him."

They all nodded their heads.

For a little while it was awkward but then we started to play three vs three games. Vik, JJ and Tobi against Simon, Ethan and I. They called themselves the Ethnics and we just called ourself the bros not being too original.

Vik sucked, like he was horrible, like truly horrible. It was kind of funny and it made the game so much more fun and less of a competition but more like a couple of friends coming together to play.

While we were playing the most hilarious thing happened, Ethan tried to kick the ball and ended up tripping and ending on his back.

I laughed so much that I didn't even know was possible. I'm so glad Simon told me to this. I thought this would be a horrible idea but it ended up being amazing and I've never had so much fun.


We all finished up the game with our team winning. Apparently I am better than I thought and it is so cool watching Simon go down the field. I was on defense while he went ahead and played offense. It was so cool how he could move the ball. I was truly shocked.

We ended up taking showers in the gym bathrooms. We all split up and Simon and I walked back to our dorm room.

All of were pretty close to each other, but our university was much closer than any of there's.

"Did you have fun?" Simon asked.

I just smiled and nodded yes.

He laughed making me blush. I've never really had a friend, but the other guys like Vik, JJ, Tobi and Ethan, they are my friends, but they don't make me feel like Simon does.

"You're different Josh. I don't mean in a bad way, you're just different. You aren't like the other guys. You don't make me feel like the other guys." Simon said as we kept on walking.

"You too Si, you too." I said as we walked the rest of the way in silence.

A/N: thanks for all of the sweet comments. It's really awesome to see that you guys are enjoying this book. What I can't believe is that I've been on Wattpad for like three years now and I've never gotten this many views or enjoyed writing as much as I do now. So seriously thank you for all of the sweet comments.

Also I wanted to ask you guys if you ship MiniLux? I don't really know how I feel about it. I mean like it is that feeling where you are like stay away Cal, minizerk for life, but it's like one of the only other ships that Simon's in that doesn't gross me out. Like emon, ksimon, and like minifreezy I've just never understood and like MiniLux I'm just confused and I guess I'm indifferent with it? I don't know I was just wondering.

That's the end of my rant. I love you guys, bye!

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