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Josh's P.O.V.

I lay down on my bed as doctors, nurses, social workers, even psychologists who are trying to get me to talk. I have nothing to say. I don't want to say anything.

Then someone who I would've never expected came inside.

"Hey, I understand that you don't like talking, I just wanted to see you," Vik said as he sat down in the chair behind me, "you don't have to listen, nor look at me. I just wanted to talk. I don't know why, but you are all that I can think about. We have all started up our YouTube channels, we are trying to get Simon distracted. It is still kind of hard, but he is getting better. I don't know if you know this, but it has been over two weeks now. I think that Simon is just putting on an act, it has been tough for him. It's been hard for all of us. You aren't like Cal, and I think that is why this hurts so much more than him. Cal used Simon, and Simon was so oblivious towards it. It was almost like he thought that Cal would make him happy. Cal never did. That was the problem. I remember the first day you came into Simon's life. He came running up to me and couldn't stop talking about the boy in his college class. He just kept on talking about how you were reading a football magazine and how there was just something so different about you. At that moment I could tell that he met the love of his life."

I heard Vik sniffle and I heard him get up. He then came over to my side and kneeled down next to me.

"I don't know what is going to happen, I don't know anything really, but what I do know. What I do know is that you are Simon are meant to be. I don't know if it is going to be sooner than later, but I know that you will end up together. I know it." He said patting my hand as he walked out of the room.

I heard the door close and I could feel myself break down into tears.

I sat up and got out of bed. I went towards the door and started to turn the handle. I've been lying down in that bed for too long.

I walked out and looked down to see Vik who was signing out.

"Vik." I said quietly but he could still hear me.

"Josh?" Was all he said as he walked down to me.

I started to feel my legs go weak so he came over to help me stand.

"Do you want to go on a walk?" He asked and I nodded as the nurse gave us permission.

We walked out and just walked down a path.

"Let's sit." He said as there was a bench.

I sat down and looked around. I forgot what the outdoors was like. I forgot how beautiful sunshine was.

"It's beautiful, truly beautiful. The outdoors. The way the wind blow giving you that slight chill. The beautiful sunlight that puts a shimmer in your eyes. The beautiful flowers of all different colors. Truly beautiful." Vik said laughing as he looked at me.

"I, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not saying anything." I said as he just smiled and hugged me.

"I don't care Josh, I'm just happy that you are okay." He said laughing.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said twiddling my fingers.

"You know it's truly amazing, who you open up to. Why me?" He said and I laughed slightly.

"I guess because it felt like the only person that cared was Simon, but at the same time it felt like he didn't care. You didn't sound like you were here because I'm a human being who deserves to live, you weren't here to tell me that I need to get better, you weren't here to tell me how much Simon regrets everything. You came, because you care." I said laughing, "I know it sounds stupid, but it's how I feel."

"Of course I care. I didn't come here because Simon told me to, I hope you know that. I came here because I can't stop thinking about you. I don't see you as a science project, or a friend in need, I see you as a potential friend that I would love to get to know. I can't get to know you if you don't talk." He says making me laugh.

"What do you want to know?" I say as he just smiles.

We end up talking for hours. He was someone who wasn't related to me, wasn't attracted to me, didn't see me as their project, but a friend. Someone who doesn't have to care about me, but just does.


"Thank you Vik." I said as we walked back to my room.

"For what?" He asked laughing.

"For this, for everything. It means a lot to me. Someone who barely knows me, who could give a shit about me, actually cares." I say as I sit down on my bed.

"You are just as amazing as any other human being. You have so much potential. You are so sweet and so kind, you can't let all of these things take over yourself. You have so much to do, so much potential, I hate to see someone like you not show yourself." Vik says as he sits down next to me.

"I want to leave Vik, I really do. I'm just, I'm scared. I'm scared of being hurt." I said as I looked down.

He lifted up my chin and made me look at him in the eyes.

"I'll be by your side. I'm getting this apartment if you want to move in with me. I promise you that Simon will understand. But you can't ignore him and leave him in the dark." Vik said as I just nodded.

"That sounds nice." I say as he just smiles.

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