Warm the Hearts That Are Icy

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Labels written into our hearts and souls.
Labels etched into our minds.

Why does the human race continue to use labels?
That is a question no one can answer.

Beautiful, kind, and generous.
Delightful words.

Why can't the human race see, for once, that kind words are more important, more effective, then labels?
Actually, wait a second...scratch that.

Labels are effective.
Labels want to make you cringe and shiver at how cold this world really is.
It's like our hearts are made of ice.

So, why do we use labels to define ourselves?
Why must we have so much hatred in this world?

We must love.
We must warm the hearts that are icy.
We just fix the hearts that are broken into a million pieces.

Why aren't we doing that already?
Because we aren't brave enough to start.

Look out the window!
Look at the sun, the azure sky, and the birds soaring high into the sky!
The birds look so free!

Why aren't we free?
Because of the labels!

We must rip those darn labels off!
We must rip the off that are etched into our minds!
We must rip the labels off that are etched into our souls!

Why aren't you ripping them off?
Because you are afraid.

You are terrified of what you are going to be defined as.
You are terrified that you are going to lose yourself.
Honey, the labels never even helped you find yourself.

So, who defines you?

And it's never to late to start.


Hey guys!

So, for writing class I needed to make a powerful poem, and this is what I came up with. I want to know if you guys have any advice. That would be great! It's due Thursday, so any comments after tomorrow would be kinda bad because it's due that day.

I would like to use a different word than icy. Have any ideas of good words I can use?


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