Magical Music

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Her eyes are filled with tears
Her head is filled with fears

Her heart is hammering inside her chest
She's wondering, why am I so different from the rest?

She looks at her headphones on her bed
She's wondering if music could get these thoughts out of her head

She puts her headphones on
Her thoughts slowly fade away, and then, finally, they're gone

Her mind is now filled with a wonderful sound
Her feet now dance on the ground

She is now feeling very joyful
Her smile widens as the music fixes her broken soul

She feels like she jumped over an obstacle

Wow, she thinks, music is truly magical


Hey guys!

Raise your hand if you feel this way about music. 🙋🏻

I do this all the time. I have an emotional breakdown, and then I just listen to music. I let the music glue together the broken pieces of my soul.

Ok, lovely followers,


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