My Shadow

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I follow her wherever she goes
I'm not sure why I follow her
There is this force that pulls me to her
I have to follow her
Wether I like it or not

I've been watching her all her life
When she was a tiny toddler
When she was a middle-schooler
And now— when she is a junior in high school

I watch her swing on the wooden swing outside her house
I watch her play four square at recess
I watch her walk into high school for the first time
I watch her sitting in her junior civics class

I watch her

Over time, I get lonely watching this girl live her life while I barely get to live mine
I wish I was a person
I wish I could swing on that wooden swing
I wish I could play four square at recess
I wish I could walk into high school for the first time
I wish I could be in that civics class

I wish I was her

But I'm not her
I'm this creepy black shape that slithers on the ground and on the walls
I'm always in the background and she's always
ALWAYS in the spotlight

How dare she always stay in the spotlight?

I wish I was her

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