Look Up at the Stars...

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They say to look up at the stars
To admire them
To follow them
To imitate their every move

They say to look up at the stars
And smile when they shine brighter
But don't smile TOO bright unless you want people to demand you to stop smiling
Stop laughing
Stop giggling until your goddamn lungs ache from giggling so hard

Stop the creativity
Stop the knowledge

Just do
Just do
Just goddamn do

But what if I don't want to just do??

What if I wanna act??
What if I wanna stomp??

What if I act out??

Does that make me insane??

Well, I'm sorry but it's INSANE how people say they are gonna help other people.....but....

But they never truly help

They only just watch and listen and never ever ever act because speaking out is bad
Because being loud is goddamn rude

But if you don't speak out you're gonna be blue
And you better watch your fucking vocabulary

Don't do this
Do that!

That's good...
Good girl

So look up at the gosh darn, sweetheart
But don't follow them wherever they may go

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