Giant Orange Cheeto

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People ask me why I'm so upset

Why I seem so angry all the time

Well, it's only because this giant orange Cheeto is our president right now

I think that's a pretty good reason to be so angry

But I don't know....maybe I should just calm down

Take a break and stop thinking about this giant orange cheeto

But as soon as I take my mind off of this appears in the news again

Let me tell you... I do not like seeing this freaking cheeto on the news

And hearing about all the awful things he does

I've never truly hated anybody in my life

Except for that giant fucking Cheeto

I wish that giant fucking Cheeto could have  a deep ass hole appear beneath him, so he could fall to his death

And then I wish an abundance of tiny little cockroaches would crawl into the hole and onto his body and into his big mouth

And I wish those tiny little cockroaches would eat his eyes out as well 

And that's just one of the way I wish this giant Cheeto died

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