Beautifully Broken

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On the first day we met,
You looked so beautiful to me
I don't know what it was about you
Maybe it was your smile
Or your sparkly brown eyes
You just looked so beautiful

As time progressed,
You begun to change
Your eyes weren't as sparkly
Smile not so wide
Your face looked tired
All of you looked tired

And I was tired too
Tired of living everyday
In the same dull routine
Traveling to school
Work, work, working everyday
Traveling back home

But what kept me together
Was you, it has always been you
You tapping my shoulder
Letting me know it's okay
You comforting me
You making me laugh

But you changed so suddenly
And I did too, oh I did change too
Our life's were both beautiful messes
Colliding together to make
A beautiful abstract painting
Splattered beautiful colors

Splattered on the no longer white canvas

You changed my life
Made my life a multitude
Of different exquisite
And oh ever so delightfully
Vibrant colors
I loved- I still do love- those colors

But what happened?
Oh, I see!
My canvas cracked in two
Yours cracked in half too
Wasn't that a shame?
Feeling like a player failed their game?

Or maybe it was not
Such a sad shame after all
Maybe we just did not know 
That both our beautiful canvases
Were meant to be broken

After all, put together canvases
Might be "oh so pretty"
But it's the beautifully broken
Canvases that make jaws
Drop to the hardwood floor beneath them

So, love... don't be ashamed
Of your broken canvas
All of our canvases are broken
In some way
Please be okay with
All of the cracks showing
Clearly on your canvas

Clearly, my canvas
Had- and still has- cracks
On it too

Love, won't you be
A beautifully broken
Canvas with me?

It'll set us all free

Set us all

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