Roll the Dice

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It's a game of dice
And lucky numbers
A game of guessing
And hoping you're right
It's moving from one door to another
Opening one,
And finding the other locked
But all in good time you find the key
Rolling the dice
Looking for that number
Every time it's wrong
It's harder and harder
One door opens
Another is locked
And you'll learn in time
You'll learn

It's a mirror showing you your flaws
A glass so easily broken
But you're looking through a window of lies
A mirror that lies
A window that sees through your greatness
It's a mirror
Showing you only your flaws
And as soon as you break through that window
A whole new one is opened up to you.

It's a forest fire
Burning you down
It's unstoppable
It's a forest fire
A danger,
But really it's refreshing the earth
Spreading seeds
A forest fire
A death
A birth

It's a hill
Ever going up
Steeper and steeper
Yet you keep going
Because when you make it up that hill
You know there will be a reward
Waiting on the top
And the climb
Will be worth the descent

It's that scene in a movie
That plays when you least expect it
The down fall
It's that chapter in a book
That has you in shock
But you keep watching
Keep reading
To see what happens in the end
Because you know it will all be okay
You'll be strong
When you write your own story.
So roll the dice
You'll make it through that door

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