Please Take Them Mother

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I woke up in tears

I could stop the flowing

I knew it wasn't real

But I didn't want to see it

It's a horrible nightmare

I hope you never have it

Because who wouldn't wake up in tears

After waching the man of their dreams return up to heaven

And having to explain to their little boy

That daddy wasn't coming home

And  you weren't okay

Watching the love he gave you just to make you stay,

Because he knew all you wanted was his daddy,

Shatters your heart when you hear the rest

A little baby girl is on her way

You're in the hospital now

Your bady boy beside you

Holding his little hand is the woman who raised you and all of your sisters

You've been so beat up, the doctor gives a grieving look

This last pounding will be the end of you

The doctor is asking where the children should go

You turn to your mother the one who raised you, who could you trust more than that beautiful woman

Please take them mother, and help them grow up,

Hand them to my sisters when you've had enough

Help them grow up the way you helped me

And one day when they're old enough

Please let them know

Why mommy had to go

You push through the pain

You feel yourself slipping

They hand you the child

And help you through the weakness

You smile down at her little face

You look up to your mom again and say

Please take them mother, and help them grow up,

Hand them to my sisters when you've had enough

Help them grow up the way you helped me

And one day when they're old enough

Please let them know

Why mommy had to go

Teach them that love is a beautiful thing

And it's better to have love and lost

Than to never love at all

Your son grabs your hand, saying mommy don't go

With everything in you you try to stay

Because how can you leave something so precious

When they need you most

But there was nothing you could do then

Tears streamed from your eyes as you said goodbye

One of your sisters picks up the boy,

Your mother is holding your daughter with care

Tears streaming down their faces you say again

This time with your eyes

Please take them mother, and help them grow up,

Hand them to my sisters when you've had enough

Help them grow up the way you helped me

And one day when they're old enough

Please let them know

Why mommy had to go

Your heart stops beating

And there's no coming back

You finally wake up and say to yourself

Please take them mother, and help them grow up,

Hand them to my sisters when you've had enough

Help them grow up the way you helped me

And one day when they're old enough

Please let them know

Why mommy had to go

The tears keep coming and all you can think

Is please don't let this happen

This horrible nightmare

I don't want to see so many broken hearts

I don't want to have to fall apart that way

I don't want to leave my future children

When they don't know the world yet.

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