How Dare You

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How dare you?
How dare you?

You dare say I'm too young to understand?
You dare say I do not know?

How dare you?
How. Dare. You.

For I know more than you ever could
I've experienced more than you
I may be young
I may still have my youth
But my mind is more mature
Than it should be

And you dare say I do not know?
You dare tell me what I should and should not do?

Well I've already made up my mind
I know what to do
I know who to be

How dare you?
How dare you assume
That I am too much of a child?
How dare you tell me
I do not know
When I know all to well?
How dare you?

How dare you?
How dare you?

Who are you to tell me what is wrong, and what is right
When I know all to well?
Who are you to tell me what is wrong
When that is what ripped me apart limb from limb?
No, it was not me who did those things
Yet I was more affected than you will ever know
More affected than you will ever be

And yet you dare tell me
Who I need to be


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