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My question is
How can you tell
Who someone is on the inside
Just by looking at them?
I get it all the time
"You? Really?"
Longer than you.
"You just don't look-"
I stop listening there
Looks aren't the window to my soul
My eyes are
The pencil gliding across the paper is
The words I speak are
My heart is
The lyrics
The melody
"You're more of a..."
How would you know my friend?
You can't judge a book by its cover
A movie by its case
Or a song by the title
It's the pages that tell who I am
The film that shows you more than a picture
And the words
The tune
The music
That let's you hear who I am
What I stand for.
Don't base me on my looks
You've never seen what I really look like.

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