The Thorns

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My friend
All you see is the rose
But look closer
Past the beauty
You crave the rose
But do you know what the thorns can do
Look closely
Past the beauty

Is this what you tell me?
That beyond the rose lay the thorns?
I did not pick a rose my friend
I did not pick a flower
Those belong in a garden
I know the dangers of the thorn

I did not pick a flower
And though it's true
What I picked may be much more amazing
And more dangerous than a thorn
But I've tasted the pain before
And the joy is worth it
Especially for what I've picked

I did not pick a rose
For what I picked
Does not compare
There is nothing more beautiful than the sunset I see
The murky waters that hold the secrets not yet shared
Nothing more beautiful
That the curve of the bow
Sharp as an arrow
Nothing more beautiful than the feathers
Blacker than death
There is nothing that can compare to the road that lay ahead

And yet you warn me of the thorns
But it's you who knows not
So my friend
I must warn you

All you see is the rose
But look closer
Past the beauty
You crave the rose
But do you know what the thorns can do
Look closely
Past the beauty

Choose wisely
I don't want to see you bleed
I want to see you
Lost in the deep ocean
Brushing your hand through the soft sand

Not staring at the rose
Ready to grab the thorns

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